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Letter to members of the sample

Dear sir/madam,

The Official Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Shipping of Catalonia and the Statistical Institute of Catalonia (Idescat) have signed a collaboration agreement to conduct the Business climate survey, a statistical operation stipulated by Law 5/2016, of Desember 23, of the Statistical plan for Catalonia 2017–2020.

The quarterly survey will provide information on the business situation and forecasts for different activity sectors in Catalonia: industry, construction, trade, accommodation and other services. To this end, a random selection has been made of 3,000 establishments in Catalonia distributed in the aforementioned sectors.

The collaboration, continuity and permanence of your establishment in this survey will help provide comparative data in order to measure the changes occurring over successive periods.

For this reason, we are asking for your collaboration by answering the survey questionnaire via any of the available channels (telephone, fax, email and Internet). To do so by Internet observe the following instructions:

As we request your collaboration in achieving this end, we remind you that all of the information you provide will be protected by statistical secret, meaning it can only be used to obtain aggregate data, with no references of an individual nature (Chapter IV of Law 23/1998, of December 30, on Statistics in Catalonia). Therefore the use of individualised personal data is forbidden by any public or private institution.

We also inform you that it is compulsory to respond to this survey, as determined by the aforesaid law.

If you have any doubts or queries or require additional information about this survey or if you need help filling in the questionnaire, please do not hesitate to contact by phoning 93.430.07.43 o 93.557.30.05 or sending an email to climaempresarial at idescat dot cat.

Finally, we inform you that the statistical results of this survey are available on the websites of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce ( and Idescat (

We are aware of the inconvenience and difficulty that these statistical obligations cause to companies. Therefore we thank you in advance for your collaboration and send you our very best regards.

Joan Ramon Rovira i Homs
Head of the Economic Studies Cabinet. Barcelona Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Shipping
Cristina Rovira i Trepat
General Subdirector for Statistical Production and Coordination