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Input-Output Tables for Catalonia 2005

1. Methodology

Input-Output Tables 2005 follow the general methodology of the European system of accounts and are an update of the information collected in the Input-Output Tables for Catalonia 2001. The aim of this project was to exploit the magnitudes estimated in the TIOC-2001 and used two sets of reference statistics to ensure the detail conceptual homogeneity of the information. On the one hand, the TIOC-2001, and on the other the estimations made in the Annual economic accounts for Catalonia obtained on the basis of exploitation of the TIOC-2001. The main sources used for this project were structural surveys of the different sectors, liquidations of public administration budgets, customs data files from the State tax administration agency, the Survey of family budgets and other administrative and statistical information.

At the same time that it developed the TIOC-2001 project, Idescat promoted a set of feasibility studies of satellite accountancy along with different university teams. Current statistical legislation has integrated some of these satellite accounts in official statistics.

2. Presentation of results

The results of the Input-Output Tables include the simplified economic accounts and Tables to 14 and 65 on products/branches.

The simplified economic accounts for the Catalan economy provide an integrated synthesis of the economic activities in a given territory. They are calculated on the basis of the information gathered in the Input-Output Tables. The results of the production and exploitation accounts (GDP and Gross Exploitation Surplus, respectively) are very important in terms of macroeconomics.

The design of the Excel tables presented is the same for the two sectorisations (to 14 and 65 on products/branches). Each file includes the Expanded Destination Table (TDA), the matrix of technical coefficients, the Leontieff inverse matrix and other supplementary information (resources, uses and income of the economy, employment, productivity and multipliers).

3. Links