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Survey on the Use of ICT and e-Commerce in Companies

The Survey on the use of information and communication technologies and e-commerce in companies investigates the implantation and use of ICT in companies and also the use of e-commerce. It is a sample based survey carried out annually by the INE in collaboration with Idescat, by means of an agreement signed by both institutes. The information obtained is comparable between autonomous communities, Spain and other countries.

The results are structured into 2 sections: Companies with 10 employees or more and companies with less than 10 employees. In the former case, the information is presented broken down by the number of employees and by activity sector. In editions prior to the 2010–2011 survey, the information was presented by companies with 10 or more wage earning employees is presented tabulated by the number of wage earners and by activity sectors, and for companies with less than 10 wage earning employees.

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Basic tables

Basic indicators of Catalonia