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Buildings designed as family dwellings. By number of homes

Buildings designed as family dwellings. By number of homes Catalonia. 2011
Value % over the total
1 builiding 830,439 70.5
2 buildings 96,595 8.2
3 buildings 38,441 3.3
4 buildings 27,226 2.3
From 5 to 9 buildings 76,104 6.5
From 10 to 19 buildings 69,236 5.9
From 20 buildings and over 39,280 3.3
Total 1,177,321 100.0
Units: Number.
Source: Idescat, based on the Census of Buildings INE's.
Note: Previous years to 2011, data corresponding to builidings designed as family dwellings according to the number of homes.
Buildings designed as family dwellings. By number of homes Spain. 2011
Value % over the total
1 builiding 7,701,066 79.1
2 buildings 651,034 6.7
3 buildings 202,023 2.1
4 buildings 140,755 1.4
From 5 to 9 buildings 412,664 4.2
From 10 to 19 buildings 398,959 4.1
From 20 buildings and over 224,498 2.3
Total 9,730,999 100.0
Units: Number.
Source: INE.
Note: Previous years to 2011, data corresponding to builidings designed as family dwellings according to the number of homes.

Last update: December 19, 2013.

Methodological note

The population scope in the 2011 Building Census consists of all buildings in the territory (regardless of their principal use) that are fully constructed and contain some type of dwelling, with the listing of properties that are located there. That is, it does not include buildings that contain no dwellings. This is the main difference between previous censuses. The 2011 Building Census is limited to buildings that contain some type of dwelling, and does not provide information on other buildings. Previous censuses excluded buildings used for strictly agricultural or livestock purposes. This Census also excludes buildings, regardless of use, that contain no dwellings whatsoever.

There was no registry of buildings that, having been totally or partially demolished, were being rebuilt and had no roof as of the census date.

Therefore, the following are also excluded:

  • Buildings being demolished, or considered dilapidated when vacated.
  • Constructions located in squares, on the pavement or in recreational areas intended for the sale of beverages, tobacco, newspapers, etc.
  • Buildings strictly intended for agricultural production and, therefore, not simultaneously being used as a family or group dwelling, or for activities other than agricultural production.

Permanent, separate and independent construction designed to be used as a dwelling or for agricultural or industrial purposes, providing services, or, in general, to carry out any type of activity (administrative, commercial, industrial, cultural...).


Operative unit corresponding to a dwelling or locale, depending on its use. All properties have a combination of different numbers corresponding to its floor and door.
