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Average expenditure per household and person by expenditure groups. Base 2016

Average expenditure per household and person by expenditure groups. Base 2016 Catalonia By household
Average annual expenditure Food and non-alcoholic beverages Alcoholic beverages and tobacco Clothing and footwear Housing Furniture and household furnishings Health Transport Communications Leisure and culture Education Restaurants and hotels Other goods and services
2022 33,085 5,301 440 1,320 11,417 1,259 1,374 3,459 1,016 1,556 735 2,547 2,660
2021 31,710 5,146 432 1,209 11,640 1,255 1,327 3,018 1,024 1,323 667 2,190 2,477
2020 29,235 4,823 445 1,028 11,124 1,199 1,035 2,766 1,040 1,133 593 1,637 2,413
2019 32,916 4,577 490 1,405 10,865 1,359 1,117 4,102 1,037 1,828 700 2,825 2,612
2018 32,586 4,588 531 1,456 10,458 1,447 1,106 3,975 1,061 1,752 669 2,943 2,601
2017 31,619 4,517 511 1,526 9,650 1,400 1,038 3,990 1,022 1,782 550 3,065 2,570
2016 30,446 4,571 518 1,486 9,331 1,344 1,014 3,643 942 1,777 558 2,748 2,514
Units: Euros.
Source: Idescat. Statistics on Household Consumer Expeditures, base 2016.
Average expenditure per household and person by expenditure groups. Base 2016 Spain By household
Average annual expenditure Food and non-alcoholic beverages Alcoholic beverages and tobacco Clothing and footwear Housing Furniture and household furnishings Health Transport Communications Leisure and culture Education Restaurants and hotels Other goods and services
2022 31,568 5,050 481 1,232 10,243 1,296 1,228 3,794 925 1,534 468 2,953 2,364
2021 29,244 4,806 496 1,156 9,893 1,286 1,204 3,230 937 1,294 439 2,288 2,216
2020 26,996 4,579 510 1,009 9,621 1,170 1,001 2,741 940 1,126 437 1,752 2,108
2019 30,243 4,286 516 1,417 9,441 1,330 1,048 3,888 946 1,654 481 2,944 2,291
2018 29,871 4,223 519 1,463 9,181 1,372 1,010 3,790 964 1,643 461 2,948 2,298
2017 29,188 4,108 536 1,515 8,774 1,338 980 3,667 930 1,662 414 3,003 2,261
2016 28,200 4,123 536 1,451 8,706 1,283 967 3,264 882 1,594 399 2,780 2,215
Units: Euros.
Source: INE. Survey of Family Budgets.

Last update: July 20, 2023.

Methodological note

Són despeses de la llar tot flux monetari que les economies de la llar destinen a l'adquisició d'articles de consum, més els béns de subministrament, autoconsum, qualsevol salari en espècie i el lloguer imputat a l'habitatge, malgrat que aquests últims no pressuposin cap flux monetari.

La despesa de consum de les llars s'ordena segons la nova classificació de despeses de consum: COICOP/HBS, estructurada en dotze grans grups:

  • Grup 1: Aliments i begudes no alcohòliques
  • Grup 2: Begudes alcohòliques i tabac
  • Grup 3: Vestit i calçat
  • Grup 4: Habitatge, aigua, electricitat, gas i altres combustibles
  • Grup 5: Mobles, parament de la llar i articles per al manteniment corrent de la llar
  • Grup 6: Sanitat
  • Grup 7: Transport
  • Grup 8: Comunicacions
  • Grup 9: Oci i cultura
  • Grup 10: Educació
  • Grup 11: Restaurants i hotels
  • Grup 12: Altres béns i serveis

Expenditure is presented classified according to the Classification of the Functions of Individual Consumption (COICOP/HBS) until 2015. From 2016 onwards, the European Classification of the Functions of Individual Consumption (ECOICOP) is used. These two classifications are not entirely comparable.

Statistics on Household Consumer Expenditures are conducted upon the basis of the Family Budget Survey carried out each year by the INE. Idescat processes this data in detail on a yearly basis, expanding the results for Catalonia.