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University students who study in the same municipality where they live

University students who study in the same municipality where they live. By sex Catalonia. School year 2021/2022
Resident students Resident students that study in the same municipality they live Resident students that study in the same municipality they live (%)
Total 170,750 40,640 23.8
Men 76,475 19,385 25.3
Women 94,275 21,255 22.5
Units: Students.
Source: Idescat. Statistics on Commuting for University Studies.
Note: Results are rounded to multiple values of 5. Hence, some totals may not coincide with the sum of their disaggregation.

Last update: February 5, 2024.

Methodological note

The Statistics on Commuting for University Students provides information of the trips students make between their places of residence and their places of study and is based on the registration data for Catalonia, which make reference to both resident and non-resident students.

Idescat draws up these statistics upon the basis of the registration records kept by the University and Research Secretariat of the Ministry of Business and Knowledge.