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Employed population 2000-2007. CCAE-2009

The Active population survey (EPA) is a quarterly collection of information on the activity at establishments where the employed population works and also of the population who is not occupied but has done beforehand. These variables are codified according to the official statistical classifications for each period. In 2008, and in order to adapt to the new Catalan Classification of Economic Activities 2009 (CCAE-2009), the EPA began codifying the variables for activities in accordance with this new Classification.

The estimations for the employed population according to the CCAE-2009 for the 2000–2007 period were calculated on the basis of the dual codification matrix using the CCAE-93 and CCAE-2009. The coefficients for this matrix were calculated using a dual classification of establishments where people are employed, which was made for the EPA for the four quarters of 2008.

The results presented correspond to the quarterly series of the employed population for the 2000–2007 period and broken down on two different levels: by activity sectors and by activity branches.

It must be remembered that the results presented here help interpret the magnitudes of the EPA by economic activity of the establishment where the employed population works and that the final results of the survey are codified for each period in accordance with the valid CCAE at the time, i.e. the CCAE-93 for the 1993–2007 period and the CCAE-2009 from 2009 onwards. For 2008, the results are offered using both classifications.