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Idescat's Statistics

Idescat's Statistics
Code Name and geographical detail
IPRIIndustrial Price Index. 02/2024. Catalonia 02/2024

Statistics from other organisms

Statistics from other organisms
Code Name and geographical detail Geographical detail
IPPAStatistics on Agricultural Prices . ProvincesProvinces
IPCConsumer Price Index. CataloniaCatalonia

Related information

The National Statistical Institute (INE) provides extensive information on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the index of labour cost.

Purchasing power parity (PPP) compares the monetary cost of a single basket of goods in different territories, usually states, at a given point in time. It is mainly used to standardise the purchasing power of residents in each state in order to eliminate the effects of the different price levels when comparing macromagnitudes. In Europe, a single PPP value is used for each state. The PPP values for Spain, which are also applied to Catalonia in accordance with Eurostat's criteria, can be found in the information on per capita GDP (see the Macromagnitudes section of this website).

The information concerning labour cost and salaries is detailed in the Labour section.

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