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Persons in employment. By professional situation and sex. Counties and Aran

Persons in employment. By professional situation and sex. Counties and Aran Catalonia. 2021
Self-employed worker with employees Self-employed worker without employees Permanent or indefinite employee Temporary employee Other Total
Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females Total
Alt Camp 423 237 663 1,521 897 2,415 6,342 5,484 11,826 1,686 1,815 3,501 21 6 24 9,990 8,439 18,426
Alt Empordà 1,545 870 2,418 6,084 3,387 9,474 17,628 15,819 33,447 4,167 4,395 8,562 69 18 84 29,499 24,489 53,985
Alt Penedès 951 561 1,515 3,861 2,229 6,093 16,815 14,322 31,137 3,564 4,410 7,974 60 33 93 25,254 21,558 46,812
Alt Urgell 177 132 309 918 486 1,404 2,208 2,130 4,341 549 804 1,353 6 6 12 3,861 3,558 7,419
Alta Ribagorça 63 51 114 213 129 345 465 402 870 210 213 426 6 0 6 960 798 1,758
Anoia 783 519 1,302 4,308 2,253 6,561 18,486 15,234 33,717 4,122 4,836 8,958 81 48 129 27,783 22,890 50,670
Aran 180 108 285 579 360 936 1,377 1,353 2,730 438 516 957 0 3 3 2,577 2,337 4,914
Bages 1,077 810 1,887 5,889 3,183 9,072 25,155 22,719 47,871 6,057 6,810 12,867 189 78 270 38,367 33,600 71,970
Baix Camp 1,608 999 2,607 6,138 3,756 9,894 25,092 22,293 47,385 7,038 7,968 15,003 132 99 231 40,008 35,115 75,123
Baix Ebre 744 555 1,296 3,156 2,082 5,238 8,793 7,488 16,284 3,990 3,759 7,752 96 39 132 16,776 13,923 30,702
Baix Empordà 1,704 1,029 2,733 6,039 3,297 9,336 16,422 15,423 31,845 3,894 3,894 7,785 42 21 60 28,098 23,661 51,759
Baix Llobregat 5,157 3,567 8,724 26,250 13,752 40,002 130,212 121,458 251,667 25,704 31,968 57,672 498 378 876 187,821 171,126 358,944
Baix Penedès 867 534 1,401 3,558 1,995 5,553 14,073 11,565 25,641 3,603 3,798 7,401 87 27 114 22,191 17,919 40,110
Barcelonès 15,546 11,085 26,631 74,055 43,380 117,435 308,172 315,234 623,406 73,497 89,340 162,834 1,257 972 2,229 472,527 460,008 932,538
Berguedà 330 237 564 1,821 951 2,772 4,947 4,509 9,456 1,290 1,635 2,925 27 15 42 8,412 7,347 15,759
Cerdanya 336 189 528 1,380 675 2,055 2,217 2,277 4,497 618 798 1,416 15 6 21 4,563 3,945 8,508
Conca de Barberà 210 120 330 906 477 1,380 2,904 2,439 5,346 681 903 1,587 9 6 15 4,713 3,945 8,655
Garraf 1,263 858 2,121 5,991 3,546 9,537 20,769 19,431 40,197 4,629 5,502 10,131 105 60 162 32,754 29,397 62,151
Garrigues 258 132 393 1,053 564 1,617 2,397 1,968 4,365 756 804 1,560 27 27 51 4,491 3,495 7,983
Garrotxa 465 279 747 2,385 1,356 3,741 9,045 8,121 17,166 1,983 2,292 4,272 36 39 75 13,914 12,084 25,998
Gironès 1,587 861 2,445 6,666 3,630 10,299 28,353 26,361 54,714 6,966 9,198 16,164 123 30 156 43,695 40,083 83,778
Maresme 3,975 2,589 6,564 19,374 10,788 30,162 60,894 58,932 119,826 13,899 16,932 30,828 207 171 375 98,343 89,412 187,755
Moianès 129 102 231 807 354 1,164 2,055 1,785 3,840 480 651 1,128 9 3 12 3,480 2,895 6,375
Montsià 633 504 1,140 3,018 1,839 4,860 7,863 6,612 14,478 3,057 3,129 6,189 117 57 174 14,691 12,147 26,838
Noguera 414 231 645 2,166 1,092 3,258 5,097 4,182 9,276 1,611 1,560 3,174 87 30 114 9,375 7,095 16,470
Osona 1,161 810 1,971 7,032 3,702 10,734 24,939 22,005 46,947 5,682 6,282 11,964 270 90 357 39,084 32,892 71,973
Pallars Jussà 147 87 237 672 387 1,059 1,473 1,323 2,799 630 642 1,272 6 3 9 2,934 2,442 5,373
Pallars Sobirà 123 60 183 486 267 753 858 837 1,698 285 399 690 3 6 9 1,758 1,572 3,330
Pla d'Urgell 357 216 576 1,749 1,011 2,763 5,487 4,374 9,858 1,560 1,443 3,003 36 18 54 9,189 7,065 16,257
Pla de l'Estany 258 162 420 1,599 813 2,415 5,001 4,731 9,732 1,005 1,344 2,346 27 3 30 7,890 7,053 14,946
Priorat 147 60 210 510 342 852 1,182 894 2,076 324 411 735 6 6 9 2,169 1,713 3,882
Ribera d'Ebre 189 153 342 822 618 1,440 2,514 1,989 4,506 912 1,002 1,911 45 12 57 4,476 3,777 8,253
Ripollès 252 180 435 1,107 621 1,728 3,588 3,237 6,825 783 981 1,761 9 3 12 5,742 5,022 10,761
Segarra 210 117 330 1,182 558 1,743 3,855 3,090 6,942 783 888 1,671 150 30 177 6,177 4,677 10,857
Segrià 1,806 1,038 2,841 7,443 4,167 11,610 28,692 25,509 54,198 10,437 9,318 19,752 123 48 168 48,501 40,077 88,575
Selva 1,662 927 2,589 6,117 3,204 9,318 22,473 18,900 41,373 5,598 5,802 11,400 150 36 186 36,003 28,866 64,869
Solsonès 153 93 249 786 465 1,254 1,809 1,599 3,408 471 567 1,038 18 6 21 3,234 2,733 5,967
Tarragonès 1,905 1,263 3,168 6,912 4,044 10,959 34,275 29,964 64,239 10,578 11,262 21,840 141 66 204 53,811 46,605 100,413
Terra Alta 111 87 201 852 522 1,374 1,131 945 2,076 324 486 810 87 33 120 2,505 2,076 4,581
Urgell 375 204 579 1,734 957 2,688 5,304 4,272 9,576 1,365 1,557 2,925 51 36 84 8,826 7,026 15,855
Vallès Occidental 6,075 4,065 10,140 31,788 16,833 48,621 140,379 133,176 273,552 29,571 36,447 66,021 711 372 1,083 208,524 190,896 399,420
Vallès Oriental 3,027 1,947 4,974 15,987 8,280 24,270 63,510 57,792 121,302 13,164 16,062 29,226 315 201 516 96,006 84,285 180,288
Catalunya 58,393 38,644 97,037 274,924 153,258 428,182 1,084,252 1,022,186 2,106,438 257,965 302,826 560,791 5,438 3,120 8,558 1,680,972 1,520,034 3,201,006
Source: Idescat, based on the INE Population and Housing Census.
Al Cens de 2021,per garantir el secret estadístic, els resultats estan arrodonits aleatòriament a valors múltiples de 3. Per aquesta raó algun total pot no coincidir amb la suma de la seva desagregació.
The new county of El Moianès was created on 1 May 2015 (Law 4/2015, of 23 April, on the creation of the county of El Moianès) from the aggregation of five municipalities of the county of El Bages, one from the county of Osona and four from the county of El Vallès Oriental.

Last update: June 28, 2024.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Active population

People aged 16 years or more that have an occupation or are available to do so and are performing actions oriented towards finding employment.

Methodological aspects

The source of the information is the population census. The population census is defined as the series of operations that consist of collecting, summarizing, evaluating, analysing and publishing data of a demographic, cultural, economic and social nature of the country's inhabitants and its political-administrative divisions at a given point in time. This operation is aimed at persons residing in dwellings (whether family dwellings or accommodation) or in collective establishments (hotels, residences, nursing homes, etc.).

From 2021 the population census is annual. The questionnaires used in the various censuses and local censuses have not always included the same questions or the same items and, therefore, there may be variations from one year to another.

Data of the population by relationship with the activity are presented, which included information about the profession, the professional situation, the branch of activity and the activity sector. Furthermore, unpaid work data was also incorporated.

In the various statistical operations, the item "employed" was not always the same. Comparability of data between years 2001 and 2011 is affected by the mismatch of the different options in response to the question regarding the activity; thus, in 2011 the options "household chores" and "receiving some kind of teaching and/or training" do not exist, as they are formulated in separate questions.

For the years 2011, 2021 and following, the Catalan Classification of Economic Activities 2009 (CCAE-2009) and the Catalan Classification of Occupations (CCO-2011) have been used.

You can get more information about these statistics in the methodology.