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Used agricultural area (UAA). By type of tenancy. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces

Used agricultural area (UAA). By type of tenancy. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces 2020
Owned Leased Other tenure systems Communal land Total
Alt Camp 8,890 7,606 3,839 37 20,372
Alt Empordà 13,298 30,160 806 15 44,278
Alt Penedès 9,103 8,057 5,546 45 22,751
Alt Urgell 5,058 19,220 46 3,211 27,535
Alta Ribagorça 1,102 8,357 29 606 10,095
Anoia 14,564 12,952 3,108 49 30,674
Aran 1,687 25,412 554 3,812 31,466
Bages 10,374 16,833 1,205 42 28,454
Baix Camp 10,006 4,910 450 45 15,412
Baix Ebre 19,112 15,212 306 394 35,025
Baix Empordà 5,659 15,681 116 28 21,484
Baix Llobregat 1,042 2,513 140 587 4,283
Baix Penedès 3,374 2,491 1,650 8 7,523
Barcelonès 73 65 3 0 141
Berguedà 6,137 27,122 394 69 33,721
Cerdanya 4,512 26,906 217 641 32,276
Conca de Barberà 9,998 11,384 4,283 18 25,683
Garraf 651 655 510 23 1,839
Garrigues 21,187 16,721 1,582 227 39,718
Garrotxa 3,328 11,171 70 11 14,580
Gironès 4,036 9,662 138 9 13,845
Maresme 1,091 2,203 45 23 3,362
Moianès 1,914 7,130 317 9 9,370
Montsià 19,317 18,811 255 336 38,719
Noguera 38,691 29,770 4,952 181 73,595
Osona 10,887 29,022 235 134 40,278
Pallars Jussà 11,723 25,481 321 1,702 39,228
Pallars Sobirà 10,718 35,358 5,169 3,218 54,464
Pla d'Urgell 14,852 9,477 935 15 25,279
Pla de l'Estany 2,887 6,471 176 29 9,564
Priorat 4,633 4,014 193 111 8,951
Ribera d'Ebre 9,873 9,502 333 44 19,753
Ripollès 2,002 29,332 65 1,104 32,503
Segarra 28,717 13,383 4,792 79 46,971
Segrià 51,851 40,247 2,264 799 95,162
Selva 3,113 7,961 33 12 11,118
Solsonès 9,458 22,184 1,449 45 33,136
Tarragonès 4,451 3,304 517 22 8,294
Terra Alta 11,167 11,003 298 23 22,490
Urgell 25,080 14,051 3,963 37 43,131
Vallès Occidental 1,767 3,828 51 34 5,680
Vallès Oriental 2,633 7,182 138 65 10,017
Catalonia 420,015 602,805 51,495 17,900 1,092,215
Metropolità 7,205 17,528 472 715 25,920
Comarques Gironines 34,324 110,437 1,404 1,207 147,372
Camp de Tarragona 37,978 31,218 9,282 232 78,711
Terres de l'Ebre 59,468 54,528 1,192 798 115,987
Ponent 180,378 123,650 18,489 1,338 323,855
Comarques Centrals 43,911 103,976 4,368 297 152,552
Alt Pirineu i Aran 34,800 140,734 6,336 13,191 195,062
Penedès 21,951 20,732 9,952 123 52,757
Barcelona 60,040 115,438 11,699 1,009 188,186
Girona 37,451 125,388 1,531 1,832 166,202
Lleida 221,704 273,742 26,141 14,020 535,607
Tarragona 100,820 88,237 12,125 1,038 202,221
Units: Hectares.
Source: Idescat, based on the Agricultural census of INE.
Other tenure regimes: share-cropping, trusts.
Communal lands: ceded in lots exclusively for farming.

Last update: November 8, 2022.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Type of tenancy
Legal manner in which the title-holder acts in order to agriculturally exploit the land. The most usual forms are: ownership, leasing, crop share and others.
Type of tenancy. Others
Includes land used by free transfer, in trust, in litigation, common land, etc.
Type of tenancy. Lease
The title-holder enjoys profits from the land through payment of a lease or rent, be that in money, kind or both methods, regardless of the results of the operation.
Type of tenancy. Crop share
Land owned by third parties that is temporarily ceded to the title holder through payment of a percentage of the product obtained or its monetary equivalent.
Type of tenancy. Ownership
The title-holder has ownership rights, either written or not; ownership is also considered when the land has been peacefully exploited by the title-holder without interruption for a minimum of thirty years, without payment of rent. Includes usufruct land.
Used agricultural area (UAA)
Includes surfaces of cultivated land and permanent pasture.

The Agricultural Census CENSAG methodology page contains the new definitions of the concepts used in the 2020 Agricultural Census.

Methodological aspects

The Agricultural Census is a large-scale statistical operation carried out every ten years. Its objective is to collect, compile and disseminate information that allows us to understand the structure of the agricultural sector at a given point in time.

The aspects covered by the census include farm size, tenure status, irrigation methods, land use, livestock, labour, rural development and storage facilities.

In Catalonia, the 1962, 1982, 2009 and 2020 agricultural censuses were carried out by Spain's National Statistics Institute (INE), while the 1989 and 1999 censuses were carried out by Idescat, with support from the then Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and Environment (now the Ministry of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda).

Unavailable information is represented using the symbol ":". When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".