Statistical Yearbook of Catalonia
The Statistical Yearbook of Catalonia gathers the basic information on the main official statistics produced by the organisations of the Statistical System of Catalonia, and the most relevant information produced by other official organisations (from Catalonia and the rest of Spain) on Catalonia.
The Yearbook contains more than 10,000 statistical tables which are updated as the data become available. The data are of an annual nature and are classified into 25 topics, in accordance with the thematic organisation of Idescat's website.
The Statistical Yearbook of Catalonia was first disseminated in 1984 and it was published on paper until 2010. The copies for the above period have been digitized and they can be viewed in the publication catalogue and in person in paper format at the Library.
Idescat publishes other products involving statistical collection, which can be found in Indicators, in the section Data on the Idescat website.
Available tables [−]
Demography · Society
Population figures
- Population density
- Population change
- Total population growth
Population structure
- By sex and age groups
- By large age groups. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- By sex and age groups. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Age structure indicators
- By sex and marital status. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- By sex and marital status
- By place of birth. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- By nationality. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Population residing abroad
- Censuses and demographic surveys
- Foreign population
- Households, families and marriages
- Births and deaths
- Migrations
Commuting and seasonal population
Commuting for work
- Journeys from residence to work. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces (up to 2011)
- Journeys. By mode of transportation. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces (up to 2011)
- Number of journeys per day to the place of work. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces (up to 2011)
- Journey time to the place of work. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces (up to 2011)
Commuting for study
- Non-university education. Resident student and located places of study. Counties and Aran
- Non-university education. Resident student population.By place of study and type of study. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- University education. Resident student and located places of study. Counties and Aran
- Journeys. By means of transports. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces (up to 2011)
- Seasonal population estimate
Commuting for work
- Projections
- Names and surnames
Population figures
Culture · Language
- Publishing production. Legal deposit in Catalonia. By type of document. Provinces
- Publishing production in Catalan. Registered titles. By subject matter
- Publishing production in Catalan. Registered titles. Provinces
- Publishing production. Titles published of publication. By types. Provinces
- Publishing production. Titles published. By languages
Media, cinema and performing arts
- Television. Distribution of the audience. By channels
- Broadcasting. FM stations. By legal. Counties and Aran
- Cinema. Cinemas, screens and capacity. Counties and Aran, and areas
- Cinema. Screenings, spectators and takings. Counties and Aran, and areas
- Cinema. Movies, screenings, spectators and takings. By nationality of the movie
- Cinema in Catalan. Movies, screenings, spectators and takings. By type of version
- Theatre and dance. Theatres. Counties and Aran, and areas
- Theatre and dance. Performances. By genre and language of the show
- Theatre and dance. Spectators and takings
Cultural facilities
- Archives. Main indicators. By ownership
- Archives. By ownership. Counties and Aran
- Cultural facilities
- Cultural assets of national interest. By type
- Libraries. By type. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Libraries. Access to Internet and other exterior services. By type of library
- Museums and collections. Counties and Aran
- Sports
- Youth
- Religion
- Main aggregates of culture and leisure sector
- Knowledge of languages
Language Uses of the Population
- Language Uses of the Population. By knowledge of languages
- Language Uses of the Population. By linguistic identification and most frequent languages
- Language Uses of the Population. By linguistic identification with Catalan. Areas
- Language Uses of the Population. By most frequent languages and areas of use
- Language Uses of the Population. Exclusive use of Catalan. By areas of use. Areas
- Developments in education
Primary education
- Infant and primary education. Centres and teachers. By ownership of centre. Counties and Aran
- Infant education. School units and pupils. By ownership of centre and sex. Counties and Aran
- Primary education. School units and pupils. By ownership of centre and sex. Counties and Aran
- Special education. Centres and teachers. By ownership of centre. Counties and Aran
- Special education. School units and pupils. By ownership of centre. Counties and Aran
Secondary education
- Secondary education. Centres and teachers. By ownership of centre. Counties and Aran
- Secondary education. Pupils. By ownership of centre and levels. Counties and Aran
- Secondary education. Pupils. By levels and sex. Counties and Aran
- Specialist education. Centres, teachers and students. By ownership of centre
Higher education
- University education. Teachers. By categories and universities
- University education. Students enrolled. By sex and universities
- University education. Students enrolled. By branches of study and universities
- University education. Students enrolled for oficials masters. By sex and universities
- Students enrolled for oficial masters. By branches of studies and universities
- Students enrolled on PhD studies. By sex and universities
- Students enrolled on PhD studies. By branches of studies and universities
- University education. Students enrolled on PhD courses before the implementation of the European Higher Education Area. By areas of study and universities
- Students qualified. By sex and universities
- Students qualified. By branches of study and universities
- Students qualified. Diplomas, technical engineering and technical architecture. By areas of study and sex
- Students qualified. Bachelor, architecture and engineering degrees. By areas of study and sex
- PhD theses read. By areas of study
- PhD theses read. By universities
- University education. Mobility of students. By universities
- Adult training
- Training reached by the population
- Main aggregates of the education sector
- Elections
- Justice · Public order and safety
- Voluntary termination of pregnancy. By motives, type of centre, marital status and age of the woman
- Voluntary termination of pregnancy. Counties and Aran
- Diseases of compulsory individual declaration. Cases. By sex and age groups
- Diseases of compulsory numerical declaration. Cases. Counties and Aran, and areas
- Declared epidemics
- Reported cases of aids. By sex and transmission groups
- Consumption of tobacco. Prevalence. By sex and age groups
- Treatments for drug addiction. By type of drug. Counties and Aran, and areas
- Treatments for drug addiction. By type of drug, sex, age groups, employment situation and level of education
- Transplants. By types
- Mortality
Health resources
- Current hospital facilities. By type of concert and type of hospital
- Non-hospital centres. By ownership. Counties and Aran, and provinces
- Non-hospital centres. By type of care. Counties and Aran, and provinces
- Hospital beds. By type. Counties and Aran, and provinces
- Centres and hospital beds. Counties and Aran, and provinces
- Pharmacies. Counties and Aran, and provinces
- Health professionals
- Hospital activity
- Economic Activity
- Main aggregates of the health care activities sector
Active and inactive population
- Active population and activity rate. By sex and age group
- Relationship with the activity of the population from 16 to 29 years of age
- Population. By type of family home
- Active population. By sex. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Active population. By age groups. Counties and Aran
- Activity rate. By age groups. Counties and Aran
- Inactive population. By sex. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
Employed population
- Employed persons and employment rate. By sex and age group
- Employed persons. By activity sectors and sex
- Persons in employment. By type of day and sex
- Persons in employment. By time in current job and sex
- Employees and salaried rate. By sex and age group
- Employees. By activity sectors and sex
- Employees. By hiring sector and sex
- Salaried working population. By type of contract and sex
- Persons in employment. By branches of activity. Counties and Aran
- Persons in employment. By professional situation and sex. Counties and Aran
- Persons in employment. By professional groups. Counties and Aran
- Persons in employment. By residence and workplace. Counties and Aran, and areas (up to 2011)
- Social Security Affiliations. By type of regime and activity sectors
- Affiliations to Social Security General Regime. By sectors. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Registered foreign workers affiliated to Social Security. By sex and type of scheme. Provinces
Unemployed population
- Unemployed persons and unemployment rate. By sex and age group
- Unemployed population. By time seeking work and sex
- Unemployed population. By whether they receive an unemployment subsidy or payment and sex
- Family dwellings. Related with the activity
Registered unemployment
- By sex and age group
- By activity sectors
- By sex. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- By sex and age groups. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- By branch of activity. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- By professional groups. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- By academic level. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Wages
- Labour cost
Labour relations
- Work-related illnesses. Provinces
- Accidents at work. By sectors. Provinces
- Accidents at work with leave. Incidence rate
- Accidents at work with leave. By type and sectors. Counties and Aran, and areas
- Individual conciliations resolved. By motivations. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Individual conciliations resolved. By type of resolution and agreed amounts. Provinces
- Collective conciliations resolved. Workers and companies. By type of resolution
- Social Judicial Affairs. Matters resolved. By type of demand. Provinces
- Union elections. Workers statute. Representatives elected. By trade union organisations. Counties and Aran, and provinces
- Union elections. Civil servant regulations. Representatives elected. By trade union organisations. Counties and Aran, and provinces
- Regulation of employment. Procedures and workers affected. Counties and Aran, and areas
- Regulation of employment. Procedures and workers affected. By sectors
- Strikes. By sectors. Provinces
Work contracts and promotion of employment
- Registered work contracts. By type. Counties and Aran
- Registered work contracts. By type. Provinces
- Registered work contracts. By type and sex
- Registered work contracts. By type and age group
- Registered work contracts. By type and sectors
- Registered work contracts. Temporary contracts. By type and duration
- Wages Guarantee Fund. Companies, workers and benefits. Provinces
- Job creation. Grants awarded. By programmes. Provinces
- Staff of the Public Administration
Active and inactive population
Quality of life
Living conditions
Living conditions
- Households that receive social benefits. By type of benefit
- Average annual net income of households
- Average annual net income of households. By areas and metropolitan peripheries of Barcelona
- At-risk-of-poverty indicators
- At-risk-of-poverty rate. By sex and age groups
- At-risk-of-poverty rate. By composition of household
- Use of time
Living conditions
Housing and dwellings
- Buildings. By destination. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Buildings. By number of floors. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Buildings. By number of homes. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Buildings designed mainly as dwellings. By level of conservation. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Buildings designed mainly as dwellings. By year of construction. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Buildings designed mainly as dwellings. By installations and services. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Buildings designed mainly as dwellings. By garage places. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Housing. By type. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Main homes. By type of ownership. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Main homes. By useful surface area. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Main homes. By number of rooms. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces (up to 2011)
- Main homes. By installations and services. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces (up to 2011)
- Main homes. By availability of 2nd home. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces (up to 2001)
- Main homes. By occupants' year of arrival. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces (up to 2001)
- Household income and expenditure
Social protection
- People with recognised disability
Social services
- Social services facilites for disabled people. By type of facility. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Facilities for the elderly. Residences. By ownership. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Facilities for the elderly. Day centres. By ownership. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Facilities for the children and adolescents. Centres and places. By type. Counties and Aran
- Basic social services. Professionals. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
National Insurance
- Contributory Social Security pensions. Pensioners. By sex. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Contributory Social Security pensions. Pensions. By type of pension and sex. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Average contributory Social Security pension. By type of pension and sex. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Social Security takings. By systems. Provinces
- Social protection
Living conditions
Main aggregates
Gross domestic product (GDP)
- GDP. By sectors. At current prices
- GDP. By sectors. Variation in volume
- GDP. By components of the demand. At current prices
- GDP. By components of the demand. Variation in volume
- GVA at basic prices. By branches of activity. At current prices
- GDP per inhabitant
- Harmonised gross domestic product (PIBH). In purchasing power parity per inhabitant (PPP)
- GDP and GDP per inhabitant. Counties and Aran
- GVA. By sectors. Counties
- GVA of the Industry. By branches of activity. Counties
- Gross value added (GVA) services. By branches of activity. Counties
Disposable household income (Gross disposable household income)
- Gross disposable household income. At current prices
- Gross disposable household income. Rate of change. At current prices
- Gross disposable household income. Per inhabitant and Catalonia Index. Counties and Aran, and areas
- Gross disposable household income. By main components. Counties and Aran, and areas
Gross domestic product (GDP)
Companies · Finances
- Companies and establishments on 1 January. By activity sectors and number of wage earners
- Companies on 1 January. By activity sectors and legal status
- Mercantile companies created, increased and dissolved
- Bankruptcy proceedings. Debtors. By legal nature and type of bankruptcy
- Commercial companies. Bankruptcy proceedings. By main activities
- Foundations. By type of activity. Counties and Aran, and areas
- Associations. By type of activity. Counties and Aran, and areas
- Legal entities. By types
Credit system
- Banking system. Offices of credit institutions. Provinces
- Interest rates. Legal and mortgage loan interest
- Interest rates (TEDR). Deposits
- Interest rates (TEDR and TAE). Credits
- Exchange rates. Foreign currency
- Financial market
- Insurance
Main aggregates of professional activities, administrative and other services
- Professional, scientific and specialist activities. Main results. By branches
- Professional, scientific and specialist activities. Macromagnitudes. By branches
- Administrative activities and auxiliary services. Main results. By branches
- Administrative activities and auxiliary services. Macromagnitudes. By branches
- Other services. Main results. By branches
- Other services. Main aggregates. By branches
Public sector finance
Regional Administration
- Generalitat de Catalunya. Budget. By chapters
- Generalitat de Catalunya. Budget. By origin of income
- Generalitat de Catalunya. Budget. Expenditure. By sections
- Generalitat de Catalunya. Budget. Entities managing Social Security
- Generalitat de Catalunya. Budget. CatSalut and autonomous entities
- Generalitat de Catalunya. Budget. Bodies governed by public law
- Generalitat de Catalunya. Budget. Commercial companies
- Generalitat de Catalunya. Budget. Consortiums
- Generalitat de Catalunya. Budget. Foundations
- Generalitat public sector. Budget. Income and expenditure. By chapters
- Generalitat public sector. Budget (ESA). Income and expenditure. By chapters
- Generalitat public sector. Consolidated budget. Income. By chapters
- Generalitat public sector. Consolidated budget. Expenditure. By chapters
- Generalitat public sector. Budget. Expenditure. By areas and expenditure policies
- Generalitat de Catalunya. Liquidated budget. Income and expenditure. By chapters
- Generalitat de Catalunya. Real investments budgeted. Counties and Aran, and areas
- Generalitat de Catalunya. Real liquidated investments. Counties and Aran, and areas
- Generalitat de Catalunya. Tax collection
Local Government
- Councils. Budget. By functions
- Councils. Consolidated budget. By chapters. Provinces
- County councils. Budget. By chapters
- County councils. Budget. Income. Counties
- Local councils. Budget. By chapters
- Local councils. Budget. By functions. Expenditure
- Rustic property tax (IBI). Counties and Aran, and areas
- Urban property tax (IBI). Counties and Aran, and areas
- State Administration
- European Union
Regional Administration
- External investment and trade
- Prices
Research · Technology
Research, development and innovation
- In-house R&D expenditure. By sectors performance
- In-house R&D expenditure. By origin of funds and sectors performance
- Personnel on R&D. By sectors performance and occupation
- Personnel on R&D. By sex, occupation and sectors performance
- Companies. By type of innovation
- Expenditures. By innovative activity
Information and communications technology (ICT)
- Use of computer and use of Internet. By frequency and age groups
- Use of computers, use of Internet and availability of mobile phone among children aged 10 to 15 years. By place of use
- ICT equipment in households. By size of household
- ICT equipment in households. Counties and Aran, and areas
- Use of computer and Internet. Counties and Aran, and areas
- ICT equipment and e-commerce in companies. By size of company
- Main aggregates of information sector
Research, development and innovation
Main aggregates
Economic sectors
Agriculture · Livestock · Fisheries
Agricultural sector
- Agricultural surface. By type
- Agricultural surface. By type. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Used agricultural area (UAA). By type of tenancy
- Used agricultural area (UAA). By type of tenancy. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Farms. By size of the total surface
- Farms and Total Standard Production. By technical-economic orientation
- Farms. By Total Standard Production
- Farms. By legal status
- Farms. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Farms with UAA. By size. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Persons in employment. Agriculture sector
- Persons in employment. Agriculture sector. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Agricultural macromagnitudes
- Final agricultural production. By products
- Agricultural machinery
- Agricultural machinery. New inscriptions. By type
- Agricultural surface. Main products. Provinces
- Agricultural surface. By products. Provinces
- Cultivated land. By type of crop
- Cultivated land. Dry land and Irrigated land. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Cultivated land. Herbaceous crops. By type. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Cultivated land. Woody crops. By type. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Surface of organic farming. By type. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Farms of organic farming. By type. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Agricultural production. Main products. Provinces
- Agricultural production. By products. Provinces
- Livestock operations. By species
- Livestock operations. By species. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Livestock units. By species. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Head of livestock. By species
- Head of bovine livestock. Provinces
- Head of ovine and caprine livestock. Provinces
- Head of swine livestock. Provinces
- Head of livestock. By species. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Milk production. Provinces
- Meat production. By species
- Production of eggs for consumption. Provinces
- Production of wool. By type. Provinces
- Production of honey and wax. Provinces
- Forestry
- Fishing
Agricultural sector
- Trade · Services
Housing construction
- Started buildings and surface area. By destination
- Started buildings. By destination. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Started buildings. Surface area. By destination. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Housing starts. By type of building. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Housing starts. By projected surface area. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Housing starts with state subsidy. By type of subsidisation. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Housing completions. By type of building. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Rehabilitated and subsidised homes. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Dwellings under construction (building permits)
- Cement indicators
- Intensity of construction. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Official tenders in construction (opening date)
- Official tenders in construction (publication date)
- Real Estate Mortgages. Number, capital and paid-off. By type of properties
Housing market
- Preu mitjà de venda d'habitatges d'obra nova. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Preu mitjà de venda d'habitatges de segona mà. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Rental of housing. Contracts signed. Municipalities with more than 70,000 inhabitants
- Rental of housing. Average monthly prices. Municipalities with more than 70,000 inhabitants
- Main aggregates of the real estate sector
Housing construction
Industry · Energy
- Main results. By activity groups
- Purchases and outsourcing. By activity groups and geographic destination of sales
- Macromagnitudes. By activity groups
- Main indicators. By activity groups
- Industrial investment. By type of goods. Rate of change
- Industrial investment. By end purposes
- Industrial Production Index (IPI). By large industrial sectors
- Industrial production index (IPI). Sections and divisions
- Industrial Climate Indicator (ICI)
- Energy
- Mining
- Road network. By type of road. Provinces
- Generalitat road network. Traffic. Provinces
- Fleet of motor vehicles. By type. Counties and Aran, and areas
- Fleet of motor vehicles. By type. Provinces
- Registration of vehicles. By type
- Registration of industrial vehicles. By origin
- Retired vehicles. By type. Provinces
- Driving licenses issued. By classes. Provinces
- Traffic accidents with victims. Accidents and victims. By severity. Counties and Aran, and areas
- Traffic accidents with victims. Accident rates
- Authorisations for road transport. Provinces
- Regular road transport of passengers. Passengers transported. Provinces
- Transport of goods by road. Transport operations
- Means of transport
- Ports
- Air transport
- Main aggregates of transport sector
Tourist accommodations
- Tourist accommodations. Establishments and beds. By type
- Tourist accommodations. Establishments and beds. By type. Tourism brands
- Tourist accommodations. Establishments and beds. By type. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Hotel establishments. Establishments and beds. By categories
- Hotel establishments. Establishments and beds. By categories. Tourism brands
- Hotel establishments. Establishments and beds. By types. Counties and Aran, and provinces
- Campsites. Establishments and beds. By categories
- Campsites. Establishments and beds. By categories. Tourism brands
- Campsites. Establishments and beds. By categories. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Rural tourism. Establishments and beds.By categories
- Rural tourism. Establishments and beds. By categories. Tourism brands
- Rural tourism. Establishments and beds. By categories. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
Tourism occupancy
- Occupancy of tourism accommodation. By type
Hotel establishments
- Travellers, overnight stays and occupancy rate
- Travellers. By CA or country of residence
- Travellers and occupancy rate. By categories
- Travellers and occupancy rate. By tourism brands
- Overnight stays. By CA or country of residence
- Overnight stays. By categories
- Overnight stays. By tourism brands
- Hotel Sector Profitability Indicators. By categories
- Hotel Sector Profitability Indicators. By tourism brands
- Campsites
- Rural tourism
Tourist movement
- Foreign visitors. By place of entry
- Foreign visitors. Tourists and day-trippers
- Foreign tourists. By country of residence
- Foreign tourists. By reason for travelling
- Foreign tourists. By means of transport
- Foreign tourists. Declared expenditure
- Foreign tourists. Tourism expenditure. By country of origin
- Tourist facilities
- Main aggregates of tourism
Tourist accommodations
Agriculture · Livestock · Fisheries
Environment · Territory
- Hydrology
- Meteorology. Temperature. Counties and Aran
- Meteorology. Rainfall, relative humidity and wind. Counties and Aran
- Thermometry. Maximum temperatures. Counties
- Thermometry. Minimum temperatures. Counties
- Precipitation. Monthly and annual precipitation. Counties
- Seawater. Average temperature. At different depths
Natural enviroment
- Hunting areas. By types
- Restocking of game population. By species. Provinces
- Hunting licences. Provinces
- Hunting. Captures. By species. Provinces
- Continental fishing. Licences and denunciations. Provinces
- Forest fires. By causes
- Forest fires. By months
- Forest fires. Affected area. Counties and Aran
- Forest clearing. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Reforestation. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Plan for spaces of natural interest (PEIN). Counties and Aran, and areas
- Specially protected natural spaces. By types
Environmental indicators
- Water consumption. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Water quality. Made controls of continental and coastal waters
- Quality of bathing water. Counties and Aran, and provinces
- Wastewater treatment plants. By types
- Wastewater treatment plants. Overall performances
- Air quality index (ICQA)
- Atmospheric pollution. Main contaminants
- Atmospheric pollution. PM 10, lead and benzene
- Industrial waste. By sectors of activity
- Industrial waste. By types
- Industrial waste. Counties and Aran, and areas
- Municipal waste. By destination. Counties and Aran, and areas
- Municipal waste. Selective collection. Counties and Aran, and areas
- Waste treatment. Facilities. By types
- Material Flow Accounts
- Geographical and political boundaries
- Orography
Land uses and surface area
- Land uses. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Surface area and slopes. Counties and Aran, and areas
- Surface area. By altimetric zones. Counties and Aran and provinces
- Number of municipalities. By surface area. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Number of municipalities. By altitude. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
- Seismology
- Counties and municipalities