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Buildings started and surface area. By destination

Buildings started and surface area. By destination Catalonia
2022 2021 2020
Buildings 4,740 4,877 3,403
Residential 4,202 4,472 3,103
Non residential 538 405 300
Farming 40 47 27
Trade & warehouses 117 125 96
Industriy 37 44 31
Offices 14 30 23
Transport services 21 39 34
Tourism and sport 255 51 30
Others 54 69 59
Surface (m²) 3,483,488 3,327,316 2,577,396
Residential 2,889,709 2,631,596 1,937,976
Non residential 593,779 695,720 639,420
Farming 12,078 6,353 3,123
Trade & warehouses 163,943 77,425 155,836
Industriy 88,915 112,581 69,153
Offices 143,784 306,125 147,337
Serveis transport 8,358 4,486 58,054
Turisme i esport 63,522 31,543 99,797
Others 113,179 157,207 106,120
Source: Ministry of Social Rights.

Last update: May 9, 2023.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Housing starts
Residential construction project supervised by the college of surveyors.
Structurally separate and independent area where economic activities dependent on a company are or could be carried out.

Methodological aspects

The information on buildings started comes from the building work approvals by the Official Associations of Surveyors, Architectural Technicians and Building Engineers of Catalonia.

Since these are administrative data from a set of professional associations, the total construction activity for non-residential buildings in Catalonia is not included.

From 2014 there is a break in the series due to the application of methodological changes.

Unavailable information is represented using the symbol ":". When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".