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Family dwellings. By type

Family dwellings. By type Catalonia. 2021
Value % over the total
Main family dwellings 2,989,357 76.4
Not main family dwellings 925,770 23.6
Total 3,915,127 100.0
Units: Number.
Source: Idescat, based on the INE Population and Housing Census.
Family dwellings. By type Spain. 2021
Value % over the total
Main family dwellings 18,539,223 69.6
Not main family dwellings 8,087,092 30.4
Total 26,626,315 100.0
Units: Number.
Source: INE.

Last update: October 30, 2023.

Methodological note

Empty dwelling

A dwelling that is unoccupied, available for sale or rent, or even abandoned.

Collective dwelling

A dwelling intended for the inhabitation of a group, that is, for a group of people subject to an authority or common regime not based on family ties or communal living, such as senior homes or residences, barracks, convents, institutions for the disabled, prisons, etc. Group homes can partially occupy a building, or more frequently, its entirety.

The source of this information is the Population and Housing Census, which is carried out by the INE and, every ten years, provides information on the main characteristics of dwellings.

You can get more information about these statistics in the methodology.