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Surname of the person: ABELLA. By counties

Surname of the person: ABELLA. 2022 By counties
As first surname As second surname
Position frequency frequency
Alt Camp 326 28 0.61 16 0.35
Alt Empordà 1,449 17 0.12 9 0.06
Alt Penedès 1,017 16 0.14 14 0.13
Anoia 1,840 7 0.06 11 0.09
Aran 181 .. .. 12 1.17
Bages 2,609 6 0.03 11 0.06
Baix Camp 422 79 0.40 52 0.26
Baix Ebre 287 36 0.45 47 0.59
Baix Empordà 1,758 12 0.09 8 0.06
Baix Llobregat 959 88 0.11 120 0.14
Baix Penedès 1,398 5 0.04 15 0.13
Barcelonès 710 373 0.16 400 0.18
Conca de Barberà 411 5 0.25 12 0.59
Garraf 982 18 0.11 23 0.15
Garrigues 162 16 0.84 24 1.26
Garrotxa 2,067 .. .. 4 0.07
Gironès 1,410 15 0.08 24 0.12
Maresme 930 65 0.14 65 0.14
Montsià 115 98 1.43 78 1.13
Noguera 568 10 0.25 14 0.36
Osona 1,558 13 0.08 15 0.09
Pallars Jussà 84 30 2.27 11 0.83
Pallars Sobirà 238 7 0.97 4 0.56
Pla d'Urgell 1,029 .. .. 9 0.24
Pla de l'Estany 1,095 .. .. 7 0.21
Priorat 76 22 2.38 21 2.27
Ribera d'Ebre 112 39 1.78 25 1.14
Ripollès 1,187 .. .. 4 0.16
Segrià 314 92 0.43 90 0.42
Selva 1,701 9 0.05 17 0.10
Solsonès 469 8 0.59 .. ..
Tarragonès 732 49 0.19 47 0.18
Terra Alta 445 4 0.35 4 0.35
Urgell 784 7 0.19 8 0.21
Vallès Occidental 674 190 0.20 157 0.17
Vallès Oriental 1,090 52 0.12 51 0.12
Total 662 1,438 0.18 1,440 0.18
Source: Idescat, based on the Continuous Register Statistic of INE
Note: Only shows counties with 4 or more people with the selected surname.

Disaggregation criteria