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Granting of Spanish Citizenship by Residence. By sex

Granting of Spanish Citizenship by Residence. By sex Catalonia. 2009
Value Variation (%)
Total 19,566 -1.2
Men 8,741 -0.9
Women 10,801 -1.5
Units: Number.
Source: Ministry Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations.
Note: The total includes the number of nationality grants in which is not include sex.
Granting of Spanish Citizenship by Residence. By sex Spain. 2009
Value Variation (%)
Total 79,597 -5.4
Men 34,010 -6.8
Women 45,486 -4.4
Units: Number.
Source: Ministry Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations.
Note: The total includes the number of nationality grants in which is not include sex.

Last update: March 15, 2013.

Methodological note

The Statistics on the Granting of Spanish Citizenship by Residence are obtained from an administrative register overseen by the Directorate-General of Registers and the Notaries of the Ministry of Justice. The statistical treatment is carried out by the Permanent Observatory on Immigration, an office of the Ministry of Employment and Social Security.