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Firefighters. Force. By ownership and sex Catalonia
Generalitat Firefighters Men Women Barcelona Council Firefighters Men Women Total
2023 2,811 2,726 85 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available
2022 2,644 2,570 74 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available
2021 2,492 2,438 54 731 704 27 3,223
2020 2,563 2,513 50 686 667 19 3,249
2019 2,260 2,219 41 623 616 7 2,883
2018 2,315 2,273 42 607 587 20 2,922
2017 2,409 2,368 41 622 604 18 3,031
2016 2,333 2,298 35 619 601 18 2,952
2015 2,402 2,367 35 615 595 20 3,017
2014 2,444 2,408 36 565 551 14 3,009
2013 2,478 2,441 37 582 576 6 3,060
2012 2,533 2,496 37 622 617 5 3,155
2011 2,569 2,533 36 662 657 5 3,231
2010 2,420 2,394 26 667 663 4 3,087
2009 2,481 2,454 27 704 700 4 3,185
2008 2,433 2,410 23 668 667 1 3,101
2007 2,451 2,431 20 702 701 1 3,153
2006 2,343 2,328 15 674 674 0 3,017
2005 2,228 2,213 15 647 647 0 2,875
2004 2,121 2,109 12 598 598 0 2,719
2003 2,142 2,130 12 608 608 0 2,750
2002 1,969 1,960 9 607 607 0 2,576
2001 1,833 1,823 10 601 601 0 2,434
2000 1,816 1,808 8 622 622 0 2,438
Source: Ministry of Home Affairs; Ajuntament de Barcelona.
Note: Generalitat Firefighters: includes only the civil servants.
(..) Confidential data, low reliability or not available.

Last update: June 14, 2024.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Person that forms part of a professional body offering services for the prevention and extinguishing of fires and rescue operations. They also provide health support in emergencies and inspect and manage operational and logistic units.

Methodological aspects

El Cos de Bombers de la Generalitat depèn de la Direcció General de Prevenció, Extinció d'Incendis i Salvaments.

L'organització del Cos de Bombers de la Generalitat de Catalunya s'estructura en òrgans centrals i en òrgans territorials.

El personal professional dels serveis de prevenció i extinció d'incendis i de salvaments de la Generalitat té la condició de funcionari i integra el Cos de Bombers de la Generalitat.

El Cos de Bombers de la Generalitat s'estructura en una línia jeràrquica segons les escales i categories següents:

  • Escala superior, que comprèn la categoria d'inspector.

  • Escala executiva, que comprèn la categoria de sots-inspector.

  • Escala tècnica, que comprèn les categories d'oficial, de sergent, de caporal i de bomber de primera.

  • Escala bàsica, que comprèn la categoria de bomber.

The Barcelona Fire Service is the organization integrated to the City Council of Barcelona, that she works to improve the safeties conditions of the persons who coexist in our city.

Our function can be summarised in the following points:

  • Prevention through inspection and investigation, producing studies and reports on risk avoidance, all in accordance with the Regulations and other rules that currently apply..

  • Attending to saving individuals and goods in the event of fire and any form of accident.

  • Informing and passing on knowledge of situations to avoid any type of accident or risk.

  • Performing technical assistance and operations in accordance with the different specialisations of the Service that have been assigned or requested, in accordance with the directives from the Mayor's office.