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Geographical and political boundaries. Counties and Aran, and provinces

Geographical and political boundaries. Counties and provinces 2019
Counties Longitude Provinces Longitude
Coastal boundaries 870,0
Mediterranean coast 870,0
Alt Empordà 190,2 Girona 362,6
Baix Empordà 133,4
Selva 39,0
Maresme 64,0 Barcelona 199,2
Barcelonès 61,9
Baix Llobregat 23,1
Garraf 50,2
Baix Penedès 18,0 Tarragona 308,2
Tarragonès 69,9
Baix Camp 38,1
Baix Ebre 77,6
Montsià 104,6
Land boundaries 793,5
France 315,4
Val d'Aran 64,5 Lleida 120,0
Pallars Sobirà 55,5
Cerdanya 55,4 Girona 195,4
Ripollès 56,7
Garrotxa 1,3
Alt Empordà 82,0
Andorra 65,3
Pallars Sobirà 10,3 Lleida 65,3
Alt Urgell 34,9
Cerdanya 20,1
Aragon 359,9
Val d'Aran 15,5 Lleida 248,5
Alta Ribagorça 45,0
Pallars Jussà 41,4
Noguera 42,5
Segrià 104,1
Ribera d'Ebre 5,1 Tarragona 111,4
Terra Alta 86,2
Baix Ebre 5,9
Montsià 14,2
C. Valenciana Montsià 52,9 Tarragona 52,9
Total 1663,5
Units: Kilometers.
Source: Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya.

Last update: January 17, 2020.

Methodological note

Methodological aspects

The territorial boundary was measured using cartographic digitalisation to a scale of 1/50,000, which corresponds to a division into segments of 15 metres. The total is offered in kilometres. The measurement of the maritime boundaries includes the contours of quays, wharfs and other constructions that due to their size have been digitalised; however, islands are excluded. The border with France includes the boundaries of the municipality of Llívia.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".