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Individual conciliations resolved. By type of resolution and agreed amounts. Provinces

Individual conciliations resolved. By type of resolution and agreed amounts. Provinces Catalonia
Resolutions With agreement Without agreement Attempted without effect Others Amounts agreed (millions of euros) Dismissals Claim of quantity Others
2023 82,513 35,571 23,543 19,220 4,179 593.67 582.71 8.10 2.86
2022 74,505 30,892 23,458 16,447 3,708 533.22 526.01 4.70 2.50
2021 80,681 30,386 25,743 19,625 4,927 566.31 559.64 4.58 2.09
2020 69,449 26,978 20,308 16,739 5,424 518.22 513.16 3.37 1.69
2019 77,819 33,053 23,138 17,651 3,977 605.14 598.69 5.12 1.32
2018 72,656 30,974 21,727 16,405 3,550 585.81 574.16 5.16 6.48
2017 71,612 28,282 23,689 16,008 3,633 544.33 536.37 6.26 1.70
2016 70,288 27,764 23,074 16,217 3,233 587.25 578.38 4.98 3.88
2015 74,889 27,537 26,890 16,390 4,072 612.73 601.80 7.39 3.53
2014 92,658 27,449 33,989 23,901 7,319 605.89 594.00 10.09 1.80
2013 93,254 28,247 29,346 25,791 9,870 747.83 729.07 6.55 12.21
2012 85,673 20,937 32,058 27,087 5,591 596.47 575.72 12.40 8.35
2011 88,941 14,360 33,291 36,076 5,214 357.02 337.79 18.27 0.97
2010 94,124 16,248 29,710 42,488 5,678 439.67 413.94 23.72 2.00
2009 113,179 23,580 33,777 48,729 7,093 834.38 812.24 12.11 10.03
2008 85,035 20,332 26,469 32,041 6,193 727.13 702.80 7.63 16.70
2007 66,156 19,263 18,971 23,511 4,411 713.93 704.31 3.95 5.68
2006 66,000 21,500 17,956 22,432 4,112 705.05 679.27 9.01 16.76
2005 73,259 23,055 20,245 25,483 4,476 697.25 679.02 7.39 10.85
2004 74,493 24,907 18,437 26,903 4,246 687.86 675.09 10.26 2.51
2003 84,299 29,713 17,359 32,370 4,857 666.76 646.50 12.83 7.43
2002 101,395 49,519 18,205 28,368 5,303 801.99 783.83 13.53 4.63
2002: Departament de Treball, Indústria, Comerç i Turisme. Servei d'Estudis i Estadístiques.
2003-2005: Departament de Treball i Indústria. Servei d'Estudis i Estadístiques.
2006-2009: Departament de Treball. Servei d'Estudis i Estadístiques.
2010-2014: Ministry for Business and Labour.
2015: Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Families.
2016-2020: Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Families. Observatori del Treball i Model Productiu.
2021-2023: Ministry of Business and Labour.
Note: Other type of resolution (not presented, desisted and others).

Last update: February 20, 2024.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Individual conciliation
Procedure for the resolution of conflicts that occurs on the basis of an individual claim even though the conflict may be a collective one.
Labour conciliation
Obligatory attempt to reach agreement by reason of a conflict of interests between workers and employers, involving participation of Public administration, in order to avoid a claim being made to the social courts.
Conciliation case
Act whereby both parties appear before a municipal, county or peace judge in order to reach an agreement before initiating a posterior procedure.