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Production of wool. By type. Provinces

Production of wool. By type. Provinces 2022
Barcelona Girona Lleida Tarragona Catalonia
White 120.07 94.85 202.41 41.66 459.00
Fine (1) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Medium fine (2) 120.07 94.85 202.41 41.66 459.00
Basting (3) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Black 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 120.07 94.85 202.41 41.66 459.00
Units: Tons.
Source: Ministry of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda.
(1) It includes the types Transhumant, Barros and Carda or Córdoba.
(2) Includes the types fine medium fine, current medium fine and ordinary medium fine.
(3) Includes basting and churra types.

Last update: October 30, 2023.

Methodological note

Methodological aspects

The data on macromagnitudes, surface area, machinery and head of livestock, as well as that on agricultural, livestock and forestry production, which is updated every year, is obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".