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Special education. Centres and teachers. By ownership of centre. Counties and Aran

Special education. Centres and teachers. By ownership of centre. Counties and Aran Catalonia
Centres Teachers
Specific state Private Total State Private Total
SY 2022/23 85 63 148 1,245 1,010 2,255
SY 2021/22 77 63 140 1,088 979 2,067
SY 2020/21 71 62 133 1,269 944 2,213
SY 2019/20 56 62 118 820 939 1,759
SY 2018/19 51 63 114 1,077 909 1,986
SY 2017/18 56 64 120 919 877 1,796
SY 2016/17 42 63 105 863 856 1,719
SY 2015/16 42 63 105 830 838 1,668
SY 2015/16-SY 2018/19: Ministry of Education.
SY 2019/20-SY 2022/23: Ministry of Education.
Note: Special education in specific centres.

Last update: April 3, 2024.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Special education
Education that involves curricular care and adaptations designed for disabled pupils to carry out their education process while integrated in ordinary centres or specific centres when this is recommendable due to the seriousness and circumstances of the disability.

Methodological aspects

In 1990 the Law for general ordering of the education system (LOGSE) was passed, which modifies the previous education system (LGE) of 1970. In the 1991/92 academic year the teaching approved by the new law was gradually introduced and the 2000/01 academic year was the first in which none of the teaching relating to the previous education system was still in existence.

However, the two education models coexisted over the long period of experimentation and implantation of the new education law.

The data on special education presented here corresponds to specific special education centres and specific special education groups located in ordinary centres. Integrated pupils are excluded.

Data are provisional.