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Publishing production

Publishing production Catalonia. 1998
Value Variation (%)
Total titles 20,006 20.8
Titles in Catalan .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available
Source: INE. Book Publishing Activity Statistic.
Titles in Catalan published in Spain.
As of 2015, the autonomous community of publication is considered to be the autonomous community where the publishing house holds its head office.
(..) Confidential data, low reliability or not available.
Publishing production Spain. 1998
Value Variation (%)
Total titles 55,774 14.5
Source: INE. Book Publishing Activity Statistic.
Titles in Catalan published in Spain.
As of 2015, the autonomous community of publication is considered to be the autonomous community where the publishing house holds its head office.

Last update: March 27, 2012.

Methodological note

According to UNESCO recommendations, publishing productions should be all works taking the form of a book and pages, consisting of the non-periodical printed publications that are published in the country, made available to the public and, in general, have been entered into the national bibliography. The definition excludes ephemeral advertising publications, works of music and cartographic productions. On the other hand, official publications, text books, doctoral theses and others are included.