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Persons legally recognised as being disabled. By type of disability

Persons legally recognised as being disabled. By type of disability Catalonia. 2009
Value Variation (%)
Physical 241,496 -0.2
Visual 29,799 -1.9
Hearing 21,423 7.5
Intellectual disability 43,166 3.1
Mentally ill 77,009 5.3
Multiple disability (physical and intellectual) .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available
Not stated 780 -8.3
Total 413,673 1.4
Source: Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Families.
(..) Confidential data, low reliability or not available.

Last update: May 31, 2012.

Methodological note

The data of the legal recognition of persons as being disabled is provided by the Catalan Institute of Assistance and Social Services. Obtaining the corresponding certification is an essential step for persons with certain degrees of disability towards receiving any benefits or advantages. The administrative source of this information defines its scope, but in any case, it constitutes a solid and irreplaceable reference.

These tables provide information regarding those who, as of 31 December, had a degree of disability higher than 32%.

The presentation of the data by type of disability is done according the typology normally used by the Ministry of Social Welfare and Family. It is based on the features of the main disability of the affected individual.