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Coke and refined petroleum products

Coke and refined petroleum products. Catalonia. 2022 Value and quantity of production sold (by PRODCOM code)
Name of the product Code ascending Quantity Unit Thousands €
Benzina per a motors (inclosa la benzina d'aviació) 192021 .. z ..
Altres tipus d'oli lleuger de petroli i preparats lleugers ncaa 192023 .. z ..
Querosè 192024 .. z ..
Gasoil 192026 .. z ..
Combustible per a calderes (fuel) ncaa 192028 .. z ..
Olis lubrificants de petroli i preparats pesants ncaa 192029 194,924 tons 473,123
Propà i butà liquats (1) 192031 .. z ..
Vaselina, parafina, ozocerita, altres ceres (de lignit, de torba i altres minerals) i productes similars 192041 .. z ..
Coc de petroli, betum de petroli i altres residus d'oli de petroli 192042 .. z ..
Total sales of products in the branch 7,111,033
Source: Statistical Institute of Catalonia, based on data from INE industrial products survey.
Sectoral scope: This branch includes the division 19 of the CCAE-2009.
You can check the list every year PRODCOM-EIP at statistical classifications of products.
Note: Results of last year published (2022) are provisional.
(1) The amount includes the total production generated over the year: sales + reemployment + stocks.
ncaa: Not elsewhere classified.
(z) Category not applicable.
(..) Confidential data, low reliability or not available.

Results of all researched products (in Excel)