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Altres tipus de roba de treball de cotó o fibres químiques, per a homes o nens (bates, granotes, guardapols, etc.), excepte de gènere de punt

Altres tipus de roba de treball de cotó o fibres químiques, per a homes o nens (bates, granotes, guardapols, etc.), excepte de gènere de punt (1412301300). Catalonia
Year Quantity Unit Thousands € ascending Position
2009 446,980 units 3,908 968
2018 474,817 units 5,162 886
2017 606,892 units 5,170 894
2010 700,985 units 5,347 851
2019 499,866 units 5,385 872
2016 628,167 units 5,599 852
2015 694,953 units 5,652 851
2013 688,364 units 5,851 827
2008 918,241 units 5,993 961
2012 742,512 units 6,337 758
2011 776,748 units 6,371 794
2014 847,085 units 7,648 748
2020 579,247 units 7,775 765
Source: Statistical Institute of Catalonia, based on data from INE industrial products survey.
You can check the list every year PRODCOM-EIP at statistical classifications of products.
Note: Results of last year published (2022) are provisional.

Results of all researched products (in Excel)