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Compostos heterocíclics, amb heteroàtoms de nitrogen exclusivament, amb un cicle imidazol sense condensar ncaa, excepte hidantoina

Compostos heterocíclics, amb heteroàtoms de nitrogen exclusivament, amb un cicle imidazol sense condensar ncaa, excepte hidantoina (2014523005). Catalonia
Year Quantity (1) descending Unit Thousands € Position
2016 (1) 264,482 kg 150,346 90
2020 (1) 235,941 kg 91,654 160
2018 (1) 222,685 kg 86,113 187
2015 (1) 214,836 kg 147,604 85
2017 (1) 211,736 kg 121,866 129
2014 (1) 208,496 kg 91,867 134
2008 (1) 197,845 kg 55,275 261
2013 (1) 174,909 kg 64,817 194
2009 (1) 158,101 kg 63,237 196
2011 (1) 153,430 kg 60,735 212
2019 (1) 148,014 kg 61,591 245
2012 (1) 130,822 kg 55,435 222
2010 (1) 129,404 kg 54,437 229
Source: Statistical Institute of Catalonia, based on data from INE industrial products survey.
You can check the list every year PRODCOM-EIP at statistical classifications of products.
Note: Results of last year published (2022) are provisional.
(1) The amount includes the total production generated over the year: sales + reemployment + stocks.
ncaa: Not elsewhere classified.

Results of all researched products (in Excel)