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Medicaments que contenen altres antibiòtics, ncvd

Medicaments que contenen altres antibiòtics, ncvd (2120115006). Catalonia
Year ascending Quantity Unit Thousands € Position
2008 z z 40,780 352
2009 z z 39,693 292
2010 z z 53,704 234
2011 z z 56,418 226
2012 z z 36,285 302
2013 z z 37,095 301
2014 z z 25,292 410
2015 z z 28,938 387
2016 z z 31,624 383
2017 z z 24,707 468
2018 z z 21,192 516
2019 z z 15,649 610
2020 z z 16,246 559
Source: Statistical Institute of Catalonia, based on data from INE industrial products survey.
You can check the list every year PRODCOM-EIP at statistical classifications of products.
Note: Results of last year published (2022) are provisional.
(z) Category not applicable.

Results of all researched products (in Excel)