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Most frequent newborn children names. Penedès

Most frequent newborn children names. 2022 Penedès
Pos. Sex Name ascending frequency
0163 W ANDREA 4 1.14
0104 W ANNA 6 1.70
0018 M ARAN/ARÁN 21 5.97
0130 W ARAN/ARÁN 5 1.42
0130 W ARES 5 1.42
0047 W ARLET 12 3.41
0036 M ARNAU 16 4.55
0163 M ASIER 4 1.14
0090 W AURA 7 1.99
0074 M AXEL 9 2.56
0090 W AYA 7 1.99
0163 W AZAHARA 4 1.14
0163 W BASMA 4 1.14
0066 W BERTA 10 2.84
0005 M BIEL 28 7.95
0163 M BILAL 4 1.14
0104 M BLAI 6 1.70
0083 W BLANCA 8 2.27
0130 M BRU 5 1.42
0074 W BRUNA 9 2.56
0022 M BRUNO 20 5.68
0066 W CARLA 10 2.84
0083 W CARLOTA 8 2.27
0163 M CESC 4 1.14
0010 W CHLOE/CHLÓE 25 7.10
Source: Idescat, on the basis of birth statistics.
Note: the ‰ has been calculated out of the total living newborns in the year and place of residence selected.
Note: Only shows the names with frequency >=4.

Selection of sex and place of residence

Place of residence