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Most frequent newborn children names. Vallès Oriental

Most frequent newborn children names. 2022 Vallès Oriental
Pos. Sex ascending Name frequency
0132 M EREN 4 1.40
0132 M IBRAHIM 4 1.40
0132 M IMRAN 4 1.40
0132 M IZAN 4 1.40
0132 M JOSÉ 4 1.40
0132 M MARCO 4 1.40
0132 M MARIO 4 1.40
0132 M MIGUEL 4 1.40
0132 M MILAN/MILÁN 4 1.40
0132 M MIQUEL 4 1.40
0132 M NAEL 4 1.40
0132 M NOAH 4 1.40
0132 M ORIOL 4 1.40
0132 M PERE 4 1.40
0132 M RAI 4 1.40
0132 M SAMUEL 4 1.40
0132 M YAHYA 4 1.40
0132 M YOUSSEF 4 1.40
0003 W JÚLIA/JULIA 27 9.45
0006 W ONA 25 8.75
0007 W LUCÍA 24 8.40
0008 W AINA 23 8.05
0008 W ARLET 23 8.05
0008 W MARTINA 23 8.05
0012 W CHLOE/CHLÓE 21 7.35
Source: Idescat, on the basis of birth statistics.
Note: the ‰ has been calculated out of the total living newborns in the year and place of residence selected.
Note: Only shows the names with frequency >=4.

Selection of sex and place of residence

Place of residence