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Name of person: MARTA (woman). By nationality

Name of person: MARTA (woman). 2023 By nationality
Position ‰ out
Frequency total women total women
Spain 52,424 12 4 8.02 15.63
Italy 138 83 33 1.71 3.70
Ukraine 105 94 56 2.59 4.29
Poland 55 14 12 5.16 8.71
Portugal 33 42 15 2.20 4.80
Romania 32 248 137 0.37 0.72
Georgia 16 148 73 1.54 2.94
Paraguay 15 72 48 0.84 1.34
Brazil 15 210 128 0.66 1.13
Rusia 12 234 127 0.41 0.65
Honduras 8 410 245 0.13 0.20
China 6 1,658 922 0.10 0.19
Czech Republic 5 65 45 3.06 4.92
Germany 5 436 234 0.25 0.49
Andorra 5 27 13 5.54 10.92
Belarus 4 99 62 1.79 2.73
Total 52,924 12 4 6.70 13.18
Source: Idescat, based on the INE's Continuous Population and Housing Census.
Note: Only shows nationalities with 4 or more people with the selected name.

Disaggregation criteria