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Names and Surnames of the Population. 2022

Antonio and José and Maria/María and Montserrat are the most common given names for males and females in the Catalan population in the year 2022.

Meanwhile, Garcia/García, Martinez, Lopez and Sanchez are at the top of the list of surnames.

The frequency of the men and women residing in Catalonia can be viewed. The data can be consulted according to the order of frequency of the most common names and surnames. A specific name or surname can also be searched in order to find out its level of frequency among the entire population.

The data can be viewed in order of the most frequent first names and surnames. A specific search can also be made for individual first names or surnames to find out how frequent they are in the population as a whole. This information can be found for Catalonia as a whole, for areas of the Territorial Plan and by counties, as well as, in the case of first names, by decade of birth and nationality.