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Idescat is attending the 14th Conference on Public Statistics at the 40th SEIO Congress 2023

Idescat participates in the 14th Conference on Public Statistics as part of the 40th National Congress of Statistics and Operations Research, to be held in Elx from 7 to 10 November 2023, presenting four papers:

  • “Usos de la red OSM en la producción de estadísticas de movilidad”
  • “Indicadores de sostenibilidad del turismo a escala regional: estudio y propuesta metodológica”
  • “Cerrando el círculo: viabilidad metodológica para el cálculo de indicadores de economía circular a escala regional”
  • “La tercera edición de la Encuesta del empleo del tiempo en Cataluña: novedades en el diseño y propuesta metodológica”

Idescat also takes part in the panel discussion on public statistics "Planificación estratégica de la estadística oficial".

This congress is organized by SEIO ( Society of Statistics and Operations Research) and the Miguel Hernández University. It is a forum for scientific-technical exchange, open to society and business, in which academics, researchers and professionals in statistics and operations research can exchange ideas and experiences in all areas of both disciplines.

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