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Structural Business Statistics in the Service Sector. 2021

In 2021, the turnover generated by companies of non-financial market services in Catalonia was 281,096 million euros. In the same period, the number of people employed in these companies stood at 2,087,740, and the gross added value was 82,010 million euros.

The wholesale trade sector generated the highest turnover (104,617 million euros) and the highest added value (15,290 million euros). Administrative activities and auxiliary services employed the most people (305,522), and professional, scientific and technical activities had the highest number of companies (90,661).

It should also be noted that the retail trade sector was second both in terms of turnover (43,183 million euros) and in terms of the number of companies (72,297) and persons employed (294,192).

Apparent productivity per employee in the services sector stood at 40,039 euros.

The reference year 2021 implements several methodological improvements, in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 November 2019, on European business statistics (EBS regulation), and with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1197, of 30 July 2020. These improvements affect the Structural Business Statistics. The most noteworthy changes are the inclusion of Education (section P of the NACE-REV.2 ) and Human health and social work activities (section Q) in the population under study; the extension of the sample of Arts, entertainment and recreation (section R), Repair of computers and personal and household goods (division 95) and Other personal service activities (division 96); the specification of which institutional sectors are covered by the Statistics, and, finally, an improvement in the estimation of the number of companies. Consequently, the results for the year 2021 are not strictly comparable with those of previous years.
