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Statistics on Main Characteristics of the Population and Housing. Household. 2021

In 2021, 217.8 thousand households (7.2%) had domestic service in Catalonia according to the Statistics on Main Characteristics of the Population and Housing. Of these households, 84.9% had external domestic service and 15.1% had live-in service.

As regards monthly net income, 13.9% of households with incomes of 3,000 € and over had domestic service, while only 5.9% of households with incomes coming to less than 1,000 € did.

In relation to external help, 207.2 thousand households (6.8%) had help from family and friends (relatives, neighbours, etc.), while 40.7 thousand households (1.3%) had other help, such as social services or an NGO. There were 2,793.2 thousand households which did not have external help, 91.8% of the total number of households.

In terms of household size, 13.7% of single-person households had external help, while the lowest proportion (5.5%) was in households made up of two people.

With respect to monthly net income, households with incomes of less than 1,000 € had the greatest availability (15.3%) of external help.

In Catalonia, there were 409.5 thousand households which had a second home (13.5%). Concerning the place where the second home was, 73.8% had their second home in Catalonia, 23.2% in the rest of Spain and 3.0% abroad. As regards the days staying in the second home per year, 37.1% of households were there for 60 or more days, 31.7% for 30 to 59 days, 18.1% for 15 to 29 days and 13.1% for less than 15 days.

In relation to household monthly net income, 22.4% of households with an income of 3,000 € and over and 8.3% of households with an income of less than 1,000 € had a second home.

In Catalonia, 44.5% of households had one vehicle, 23.5% had two, 7.1% had three and over, and 24.9% had none.

In relation to monthly net income, 90.3% of households with incomes of 3,000 € and over had a vehicle, while only 46.6% of households with incomes of less than 1,000 € had one. A total of 122.9 thousand households (4.0%) had an electric or hybrid vehicle. By monthly net income, 8.7% of households with incomes of 3,000 € and over and 1.1% of households with incomes less than 1,000 € had an electric or hybrid vehicle.

Almost all Catalan households sorted waste, 2,915 thousand households (95.9%). By type of waste, 93.1% of households separated glass, 92.2% paper and paperboard, 90.9% plastics and 78.6% organic material.

Idescat expands on the results for Households in the Statistics on Main Characteristics of the Population and Housing for 2021 with information referring to four thematic blocks: domestic service for household work or for caring for minors, dependent people or people with health problems; external help in domestic work and caring for minors or elderly or dependent people; second home and household vehicles, and finally waste sorting. In terms of geographical scope, data are provided for Catalonia, provinces and municipalities with 50,000 inhabitants and over.