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Population at 1 January. By sex and age in large groups

Population at 1 January. By sex and age in large groups
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Population at 1 January. By sex and age in large groups Cadaqués
Males Females Total
From 0 to 14 years From 15 to 64 years 65 years and over From 0 to 14 years From 15 to 64 years 65 years and over From 0 to 14 years From 15 to 64 years 65 years and over
2022 176 991 248 160 1,010 304 336 2,001 552
2021 177 960 241 172 980 290 349 1,940 531
2020 169 911 220 177 948 270 346 1,859 490
2019 183 929 210 198 938 254 381 1,867 464
2018 189 941 214 200 945 263 389 1,886 477
2017 203 940 216 214 956 265 417 1,896 481
2016 219 947 213 220 964 274 439 1,911 487
2015 216 949 206 223 970 276 439 1,919 482
2014 225 942 201 228 953 271 453 1,895 472
2013 230 1,020 198 228 982 280 458 2,002 478
2012 235 1,010 195 227 999 269 462 2,009 464
2011 229 1,005 197 209 995 267 438 2,000 464
2010 242 1,001 189 212 995 253 454 1,996 442
2009 232 999 185 212 983 249 444 1,982 434
2008 235 1,014 182 215 982 245 450 1,996 427
2007 226 984 174 213 978 231 439 1,962 405
2006 209 1,043 179 223 1,026 242 432 2,069 421
2005 172 929 165 203 925 229 375 1,854 394
2004 183 962 177 216 946 246 399 1,908 423
2003 177 921 173 191 905 245 368 1,826 418
2002 174 867 176 177 849 244 351 1,716 420
2001 167 832 164 175 812 240 342 1,644 404
2000 160 794 163 173 782 229 333 1,576 392
Source: Idescat, based on INE Continuous Population Register.

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