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Survey on the Use of ICT and e-commerce in Companies 2009–2010

The Survey on the use of information and communication technologies and e-commerce in companies (ETICCE) provides knowledge of the situation of Catalan companies in relation to the provision and use of ICT and e-commerce. This is an annual sample-based survey conducted by the INE in all of Spain and that provides information on some indicators on an autonomous community level. Idescat extends upon the results offered by this operation for Catalonia and guarantees comparability of these results with those for other autonomous communities, Spain and other countries.

The published information is structured by differentiating between companies with 10 or more wage earning employees and those with less than 10 wage earning employees.

The results for the companies with 10 or more wage earning employees are presented in disaggregated fashion by the size of the company in terms of wage earning employees and activity sectors. In the case of small companies, the information is only disaggregated by activity sector. The reference date for the variables on the use of ICT is January 2010 while the period of reference for the variables on the use of e-commerce, interaction with Public administration and ICT training is the year 2009.

The Information Society Observatory Foundation of Catalonia (FOBSIC) also publishes information on these statistics and other studies of its own of the impact of ICT in Catalonia.

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