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PIB oferta, demanda i renda. Preus corrents
PIB oferta, demanda i renda. Preus corrents Catalonia
2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000
PIB oferta
Agricultura 2,196 2,319 1,944 1,850 1,916 1,993 1,793 1,837 1,825 1,999 1,969 2,048 2,127 2,051 1,942 2,081 2,043 2,176 1,942
Indústria 45,889 45,202 43,101 41,670 39,021 37,665 37,016 38,548 38,195 36,188 40,804 40,546 38,814 37,007 36,527 34,626 33,719 33,295 31,331
Ind. manufacturera 39,150 38,488 36,443 34,768 32,991 31,332 31,080 32,627 32,452 30,465 35,590 35,984 34,621 33,057 33,112 31,597 30,960 30,832 29,087
Construcció 11,863 11,163 10,283 9,492 9,054 9,218 10,779 13,918 16,293 21,316 22,720 22,305 21,309 18,721 16,361 14,746 13,632 12,493 10,996
Serveis 161,755 156,545 151,134 145,377 140,617 138,201 138,557 140,179 137,636 136,137 135,344 127,835 116,810 107,542 98,814 90,949 83,819 77,278 72,284
Comerç, transport i hostaleria 56,983 55,774 54,026 51,061 49,478 49,594 49,694 50,173 49,774 48,812 48,857 46,750 44,187 41,098 38,263 35,629 33,275 30,412 28,835
Act. immobiliàries, professionals i altres 73,242 69,990 67,344 65,314 63,403 61,184 61,570 62,431 60,210 60,187 60,780 57,699 51,505 47,045 42,605 38,760 35,456 32,920 30,276
Adm. pública, educació, sanitat i serveis socials 31,530 30,781 29,764 29,002 27,736 27,423 27,293 27,576 27,653 27,138 25,707 23,386 21,119 19,398 17,946 16,560 15,087 13,945 13,173
Valor afegit brut 221,702 215,229 206,462 198,388 190,608 187,077 188,145 194,483 193,949 195,640 200,838 192,733 179,060 165,321 153,644 142,402 133,213 125,243 116,553
Impostos nets sobre productes 20,611 19,452 18,225 17,337 16,060 15,561 15,012 15,234 15,843 12,475 16,084 19,658 20,109 18,186 16,132 14,198 12,600 11,922 11,286
Producte interior brut 242,313 234,680 224,687 215,726 206,668 202,638 203,157 209,716 209,792 208,115 216,922 212,391 199,169 183,507 169,776 156,600 145,813 137,165 127,839
PIB demanda
Demanda interna 212,778 204,273 195,341 189,958 180,337 176,765 183,350 191,118 194,712 195,915 209,685 205,664 190,410 173,189 158,942 145,578 135,065 126,110 117,567
Consum de les llars 128,824 124,116 118,971 116,241 112,278 110,264 114,274 115,228 113,859 111,997 117,445 114,653 107,097 99,316 91,997 84,675 79,584 74,692 69,916
Consum de les adm. públiques (1) 37,109 36,048 35,214 34,772 32,463 32,251 32,899 34,854 35,569 35,451 32,709 29,674 26,821 24,441 22,367 20,262 18,575 17,131 15,832
Formació bruta capital (2) 46,845 44,109 41,156 38,944 35,595 34,250 36,177 41,036 45,284 48,468 59,531 61,338 56,492 49,433 44,578 40,640 36,906 34,287 31,820
FBCF (béns d'equipament i altres actius) 26,479 25,040 23,765 22,639 20,553 19,691 19,834 20,045 21,179 20,621 24,288 24,424 21,598 19,227 17,408 16,299 15,188 14,924 14,372
FBCF (construcció) 19,202 18,009 16,578 15,576 14,843 14,674 16,505 20,762 23,702 26,786 34,349 35,733 33,690 29,492 25,933 23,175 20,561 18,356 16,329
Saldo amb l'exterior (3) 29,535 30,407 29,346 25,767 26,331 25,873 19,808 18,598 15,080 12,200 7,237 6,726 8,759 10,318 10,835 11,022 10,748 11,055 10,271
Saldo amb estranger 13,837 15,728 15,471 13,714 12,344 13,126 9,625 5,046 1,193 1,088 -6,303 -10,972 -9,936 -9,486 -7,911 -4,473 -2,923 -3,595 -5,874
Exportacions totals a l'estranger 92,580 89,810 83,692 81,168 77,679 76,089 73,476 69,556 62,441 55,052 65,416 64,427 60,811 55,214 50,971 48,795 48,685 47,344 43,650
Exportacions de béns i serveis 78,397 76,561 71,496 69,475 66,095 65,025 63,868 60,526 53,938 46,979 56,704 55,734 52,405 47,192 43,430 41,735 41,665 40,743 37,382
Consum dels estrangers al territori 14,183 13,249 12,196 11,693 11,584 11,064 9,608 9,030 8,503 8,073 8,712 8,693 8,407 8,023 7,541 7,060 7,020 6,601 6,268
Importacions totals de l'estranger 78,743 74,082 68,221 67,454 65,335 62,963 63,851 64,510 61,248 53,964 71,719 75,399 70,747 64,700 58,883 53,268 51,608 50,940 49,523
Importacions de béns i serveis 74,562 70,473 64,971 64,438 62,600 60,421 61,478 62,467 59,063 51,910 69,169 72,723 68,286 62,449 57,050 51,702 50,189 49,446 48,228
Consum dels residents a l'estranger 4,181 3,609 3,250 3,015 2,735 2,541 2,373 2,043 2,185 2,054 2,550 2,676 2,461 2,251 1,833 1,566 1,419 1,494 1,295
Producte interior brut 242,313 234,680 224,687 215,726 206,668 202,638 203,157 209,716 209,792 208,115 216,922 212,391 199,169 183,507 169,776 156,600 145,813 137,165 127,839
PIB rendes
Remuneració d'assalariats 114,224 108,801 104,659 101,516 96,056 94,717 96,978 102,487 103,404 105,598 108,651 102,920 94,239 86,937 80,716 75,401 69,697 65,213 61,372
Excedent brut d'explotació 104,159 103,335 98,596 93,659 91,600 89,636 88,743 90,782 89,435 89,118 91,407 89,230 84,061 77,421 72,257 66,306 62,800 59,206 54,545
Impostos nets sobre producció i importacions 23,930 22,544 21,432 20,551 19,012 18,285 17,436 16,447 16,953 13,399 16,864 20,241 20,869 19,149 16,803 14,893 13,316 12,746 11,921
Producte interior brut 242,313 234,680 224,687 215,726 206,668 202,638 203,157 209,716 209,792 208,115 216,922 212,391 199,169 183,507 169,776 156,600 145,813 137,165 127,839
Units: Millions of euros.
Source: Idescat. Comptes econòmics anuals de Catalunya. Base 2010.
(1) Includes the expenditure consumption by non-profit making institutions at the service of households.
(2) Gross capital formation includes the gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) and the stock variation.
(3) Includes the foreign trade balance and the trade balance with the rest of Spain.