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GDP supply and demand. Indexes in volume chained (year 2010=100)

PIB oferta i demanda. Índexs en volum encadenats (any 2010=100)
PIB oferta i demanda. Índexs en volum encadenats (any 2010=100) Catalonia
2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000
PIB oferta
Agricultura 102.1017 102.5062 98.8343 94.9820 98.2934 97.3831 91.1407 107.6679 100.0000 103.1479 101.2858 99.7662 99.4607 100.5417 92.4203 101.2584 96.1860 86.4560 90.3818
Indústria 112.3124 111.0444 105.9551 102.0333 96.5074 93.8827 94.6339 99.5293 100.0000 93.6653 106.2518 111.3575 110.5797 108.7309 111.0303 109.1616 108.3223 109.9802 105.6410
Ind. manufacturera 114.6077 112.6695 106.3798 102.3881 97.4445 94.0328 93.7119 98.7165 100.0000 93.4395 108.8516 115.9543 115.1854 113.1761 116.5014 115.3484 115.0274 117.5457 113.0639
Construcció 80.2566 76.6408 72.4526 68.8660 65.8773 66.6142 73.9896 89.8812 100.0000 124.5613 134.5421 137.4491 136.1507 126.5020 120.7697 117.2969 113.4732 108.6236 101.2568
Serveis 113.0516 109.8156 107.0797 104.0928 101.2544 99.6648 99.5652 100.8895 100.0000 97.9508 98.8491 97.5964 92.4704 88.0298 83.2953 79.2223 75.8192 72.8036 71.1624
Comerç, transport i hostaleria 110.1253 107.8584 106.0039 101.4018 98.1897 98.1180 97.4393 99.0420 100.0000 97.9268 99.1077 99.6351 96.6194 93.3177 89.8412 86.6381 84.2004 80.3369 79.6309
Act. immobiliàries, professionals i altres 116.5930 112.2897 108.8598 106.2748 103.7993 100.6588 100.6916 102.8078 100.0000 98.2977 100.1557 98.8817 92.1595 86.6787 80.3292 75.0743 71.0787 68.6221 66.1672
Adm. pública, educació, sanitat i serveis socials 110.6046 107.9442 105.1382 104.1842 101.2244 100.2769 100.9703 100.0382 100.0000 97.2324 95.4514 90.9964 85.5699 81.3907 78.0491 75.1209 71.3127 68.5599 67.0925
Valor afegit brut 110.1991 107.3818 104.0563 100.8326 97.4965 95.8700 96.4373 99.7606 100.0000 99.4755 103.4483 103.8031 99.9203 95.6062 92.1241 88.6843 85.7300 83.3982 80.8526
Impostos nets sobre productes 111.9467 109.2391 103.9490 98.2028 89.1011 86.2681 91.3129 95.8290 100.0000 98.3056 107.5920 110.4171 111.1954 109.4767 103.5077 98.2939 92.6984 90.7022 88.1078
Producte interior brut 110.4229 107.6125 104.1249 100.6909 96.8651 95.1350 96.0505 99.4637 100.0000 99.4046 103.7578 104.3285 100.8756 96.7904 93.0958 89.5083 86.3397 84.0336 81.4829
PIB demanda
Demanda interna 101.3571 98.8503 96.0329 93.7257 89.4634 87.8959 91.8744 96.9127 100.0000 101.7586 107.9676 108.8245 103.8507 98.0559 93.5795 88.9681 85.0996 81.8825 78.8606
Consum de les llars 101.1463 99.1646 96.8531 94.8903 91.7966 90.5657 95.1724 98.7262 100.0000 100.5302 104.9738 106.1275 102.5731 98.7324 95.0209 90.7582 88.1137 85.1279 82.4210
Consum de les adm. públiques (1) 102.8504 100.9238 98.8551 97.6644 92.4656 92.3343 95.0162 98.6130 100.0000 98.6261 92.0026 86.4567 80.2914 75.5962 71.4223 66.6121 62.4887 59.7023 57.0753
Formació bruta capital (2) 101.5956 97.1641 92.3304 88.1480 81.3328 77.6859 80.9995 91.0172 100.0000 107.2801 127.5025 132.4174 125.0068 113.8304 107.3238 102.0377 95.5022 91.4084 87.3451
FBCF (béns d'equipament i altres actius) 119.3277 113.9479 108.8148 104.3563 95.8495 91.5500 92.0924 93.6811 100.0000 98.9740 114.5100 115.0575 103.0482 91.7211 83.7552 79.3085 73.1701 71.6065 69.4136
FBCF (construcció) 81.8505 78.5291 74.8557 71.2433 68.4023 66.7308 72.9636 89.2479 100.0000 111.8223 136.9973 144.4735 140.6983 131.6194 123.9558 118.0108 111.1064 104.8586 97.8133
Saldo amb l'exterior (3) (4) 109.4187 108.9782 108.1145 106.7874 107.0096 106.7291 103.6656 102.3292 100.0000 97.8226 96.5069 96.2993 97.4255 98.7654 99.2714 100.0824 100.6266 101.5078 101.9090
Saldo amb estranger (4) 108.2340 108.6447 108.4166 107.6268 106.9768 107.2522 105.9146 102.6817 100.0000 99.0988 96.3770 93.6179 94.0477 94.8967 95.6040 97.1044 98.3935 99.0261 98.0077
Exportacions totals a l'estranger 136.6595 133.9938 127.4760 122.0956 117.2757 113.6931 109.4327 106.2292 100.0000 89.6746 102.3576 104.0184 99.4667 94.1598 89.5035 86.2533 85.3784 83.0525 78.1164
Exportacions de béns i serveis 134.2218 132.3344 126.1649 120.7918 115.4576 112.1977 109.6201 106.6117 100.0000 88.6255 101.9843 103.2742 98.0143 92.0945 87.1708 83.9166 82.5670 80.1650 74.7681
Consum dels estrangers al territori 152.6186 145.0142 136.2663 130.8241 129.2736 123.5952 108.2819 103.8033 100.0000 96.3085 104.4367 108.5906 108.9733 107.9176 105.1486 101.9672 104.6829 103.0428 102.0668
Importacions totals de l'estranger 110.1692 106.3311 100.7121 97.8207 95.0044 90.7964 90.3789 97.1650 100.0000 92.3877 115.2596 127.5930 121.2633 112.9637 105.9333 98.0914 93.7165 89.8329 87.3122
Importacions de béns i serveis 108.0557 104.8364 99.5185 96.9552 94.3138 90.2032 89.9991 97.3867 100.0000 92.2118 115.0541 127.5254 121.2792 112.9731 106.4239 98.7593 94.5123 90.3265 88.0230
Consum dels residents a l'estranger 169.7084 148.6985 134.8234 122.9882 115.2553 108.2412 101.5842 91.1729 100.0000 97.0689 120.7006 129.2118 120.5912 112.4870 92.4569 79.9052 72.0869 76.6639 67.8774
Producte interior brut 110.4229 107.6125 104.1249 100.6909 96.8651 95.1350 96.0505 99.4637 100.0000 99.4046 103.7578 104.3285 100.8756 96.7904 93.0958 89.5083 86.3397 84.0336 81.4829
Source: Idescat. Comptes econòmics anuals de Catalunya. Base 2010.
(1) Includes the expenditure consumption by non-profit making institutions at the service of households.
(2) Gross capital formation includes the gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) and the stock variation.
(3) Includes the foreign trade balance and the trade balance with the rest of Spain.
(4) Els saldos vinculats al comerç exterior es presenten en aportacions.