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PIB oferta, demanda i renda. Preus corrents
PIB oferta, demanda i renda. Preus corrents Catalonia
2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000
PIB oferta
Agricultura, ramaderia, silvicultura i pesca 2,396 2,249 2,030 2,001 2,159 2,048 2,153 2,235 1,786 1,858 1,893 2,006 2,176 1,942
Indústria 38,414 37,701 37,815 37,513 35,549 40,218 40,021 38,360 36,630 36,235 34,425 33,616 33,295 31,331
indústria manufacturera 32,594 32,179 32,475 32,306 30,313 35,439 35,841 34,490 32,944 33,022 31,533 30,927 30,832 29,087
Construcció 13,766 14,756 16,745 18,676 23,296 24,337 23,596 22,309 19,463 16,876 15,063 13,778 12,493 10,996
Serveis 131,943 132,292 131,893 129,201 129,083 129,115 122,172 112,623 104,544 96,106 89,650 82,246 75,876 70,781
administració pública; educació; sanitat i serveis socials 26,357 26,498 27,446 27,518 27,003 25,575 23,261 21,004 19,298 17,864 16,501 15,056 13,945 13,173
comerç, hoteleria finances i altres serveis 105,586 105,794 104,447 101,682 102,079 103,540 98,912 91,619 85,247 78,242 73,148 67,191 61,931 57,608
VAB 186,519 186,998 188,482 187,390 190,086 195,718 187,943 175,526 162,425 151,076 141,030 131,646 123,841 115,050
Impostos nets sobre productes 17,097 16,081 16,378 16,895 13,862 17,176 20,258 20,940 18,790 16,461 14,488 12,853 11,868 11,238
PIB 203,615 203,079 204,860 204,285 203,948 212,894 208,201 196,466 181,215 167,536 155,518 144,498 135,709 126,288
PIB demanda
Demanda interna 181,842 185,758 190,124 193,154 194,436 208,103 204,532 189,575 172,220 158,033 144,634 134,271 125,550 117,063
Consum de les llars 116,140 116,924 117,453 116,108 114,179 119,548 116,817 109,368 101,413 93,851 86,545 81,263 76,301 71,437
Consum de les adm. públiques (1) 32,708 33,448 34,474 35,486 35,322 32,572 29,656 26,769 24,112 22,073 19,773 18,127 16,739 15,469
Formació bruta capital (2) 32,993 35,385 38,198 41,560 44,935 55,983 58,059 53,438 46,695 42,109 38,316 34,881 32,511 30,157
FBCF (béns d'equipament i altres actius) 16,096 16,496 17,360 17,638 17,234 20,853 21,229 18,603 16,527 14,962 13,985 13,166 13,148 12,709
FBCF (construcció) 16,001 17,899 20,536 23,519 26,641 34,236 35,650 33,632 29,454 25,910 23,165 20,558 18,356 16,329
Saldo amb l'exterior (3) 21,773 17,321 14,735 11,131 9,513 4,790 3,669 6,891 8,995 9,503 10,884 10,227 10,158 9,225
Saldo amb l'estranger 11,081 8,810 3,850 -487 -771 -9,743 -13,892 -11,364 -10,220 -8,360 -5,994 -4,171 -4,060 -6,184
Exportacions totals béns i serveis a l'estranger 76,699 76,603 72,401 64,854 56,344 66,512 64,977 60,599 54,948 51,018 48,730 48,256 46,889 43,135
Exportacions béns i serveis 65,704 66,279 62,636 55,658 47,613 57,090 55,576 51,508 46,272 42,863 41,095 40,665 39,751 36,357
Consum dels estrangers al territori 10,994 10,324 9,765 9,195 8,731 9,422 9,401 9,091 8,676 8,155 7,635 7,591 7,138 6,778
Importacions totals béns i serveis de l'estranger 65,617 67,793 68,551 65,341 57,115 76,254 78,869 71,962 65,168 59,378 54,724 52,428 50,948 49,319
Importacions béns i serveis 63,145 65,451 66,385 63,022 54,935 73,548 76,029 69,350 62,779 57,433 53,062 50,922 49,363 47,945
Consum dels residents a l'estranger 2,472 2,343 2,165 2,319 2,180 2,706 2,840 2,612 2,389 1,945 1,662 1,506 1,585 1,374
PIB pm 203,615 203,079 204,860 204,285 203,948 212,894 208,201 196,466 181,215 167,536 155,518 144,498 135,709 126,288
PIB rendes
Remuneració d'assalariats .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available 95,861 97,481 100,548 104,355 99,139 91,148 84,386 78,787 74,007 69,000 65,100 61,174
Excedent brut d'explotació .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available 91,478 88,878 88,610 90,491 88,153 83,558 77,025 71,573 66,284 61,889 57,906 53,223
Impostos nets sobre producció i importacions .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available 17,521 17,926 14,790 18,047 20,909 21,760 19,805 17,175 15,227 13,610 12,703 11,891
PIB pm 203,615 203,079 204,860 204,285 203,948 212,894 208,201 196,466 181,215 167,536 155,518 144,498 135,709 126,288
Units: Millions of euros.
Source: Idescat. Comptes econòmics anuals de Catalunya. Base 2008.
(1) Includes the expenditure consumption by non-profit making institutions at the service of households.
(2) Gross capital formation includes the gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) and the stock variation.
(3) Includes the foreign trade balance and the trade balance with the rest of Spain.
(..) Confidential data, low reliability or not available.