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Corrections. According to [Corr. date]↑. Page 3

The register of corrections is the list of unforeseen modifications of the statistical results that have been published on the website. This is an Idescat service that seeks to make it easier for users to view the corrections.

Idescat produces and publishes thousands of statistical data every year in the hope that they constitute high-quality, accurate and reliable information. However, as in all human activities, it is inevitable that on occasions unanticipated modifications of the data will occur. In this case, the institution undertakes to rectify them and inform users as soon as possible by means of this register of corrections.

Code Statistics Information affected Topic Pub. date Corr. date ascending
ELEM Municipal Elections. Masies de Voltregà. 1979 Elections 01/01/2000 03/08/2010
TRVC Urban public transport. 2006 Transport 18/06/2009 04/08/2010
CMORT Mortality. 2009 Health 16/06/2010 02/09/2010
EIE The item "Purchasing and work done by other companies". 2006-2010 Industry · Energy 03/08/2010 07/09/2010
TURCAM Travel by Catalans. Expenditure. 2005 Tourism 09/07/2006 16/09/2010
TURCAT Travel by Catalans. By reason for travelling. 2006-2009 Tourism 18/06/2009 16/09/2010
TURCAT Travel by Catalans. By reason of the journey. 2006-2009 Tourism 09/07/2010 16/09/2010
ENS Net schooling rate. 2003-2008 Education 15/12/2009 08/10/2010
MM Immigration. By place of origin. 2009 Migrations 07/10/2010 08/10/2010
COMEST Exports. 1995-2010 External investment and trade 08/03/2010 25/10/2010
PROJ Projected school age population. 2010-2021 Projections 28/10/2010 28/10/2010
TICL Use of Internet by children aged 10 to 15 years. 2009 Research · Technology 06/08/2010 08/11/2010
NAIX Gross birth rate. 2009 Births and deaths 14/10/2010 10/11/2010
NAIX Fertility rate. 2009 Births and deaths 14/10/2010 10/11/2010
ED knowledge of Spanish. 2007 Censuses and demographic surveys 16/02/2010 11/11/2010
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The letter m that sometimes accompanies the code of a correction indicates that it is an improvement in the data.