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Basic information on personal data protection

Data controller: Statistical Institute of Catalonia. Via Laietana, 58, 08003 Barcelona.

Purpose: to disclose the information requested and the service satisfaction survey.

Legitimation: mission performed in the public interest pursuant to Law 23/1998, of 30 December 1998, on statistics in Catalonia.

Rights of the interested persons: you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, objection, limitation of processing and portability by any of the following means: by writing to dpd at idescat dot cat, by sending a letter to Idescat (Via Laietana, 58, 08003 Barcelona) or by making a generic request via Gencat Procedures. You must clearly specify which right or rights you wish to exercise in the request.

To obtain additional and more detailed information on data protection, please read the data protection policy.