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Catalan Statistical Council

The Catalan Statistic Council is an advisory and assessment body belonging to Idescat. It is made up of:

  • The President of the council, who is appointed by the Government of Catalonia at the proposal of the Minister of the Ministry in charge of managing and coordinating the Statistics System of Catalonia.
  • The Vice-President of the Governing Board of the Statistics System of Catalonia.
  • The director of Idescat, who serves as secretary of the Board.
  • One representative of every Catalan university.
  • One representative of the Institute of Catalan Studies.
  • One representative from each of the most typical business associations in Catalonia.
  • One representative from each of the most typical unions in Catalonia.
  • One representative of the most typical municipal associations in Catalonia.
  • One representative of the most typical consumer and user associations in Catalonia.
  • The director of the Catalan Data Protection Authority.
  • The director of the Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia.
  • The director of the Centre for Opinion Studies.
  • The Deputy Directors General of Idescat are also members of the Catalan Statistic Council, in an advisory capacity.

The following functions are the responsibility of the Catalan Statistic Council:

  • Drawing up a non-binding preliminary report on:

    • The Statistical Plan for Catalonia project, prior to its submission to the Government on behalf of the Minister of the Ministry in charge of managing and coordinating the Statistics System of Catalonia.
    • The Annual Statistical Action Programme project.
  • Drawing up proposals and recommendations on:

    • The public interest of statistics produced by other entities not included in the Statistical plan for Catalonia.
    • The situation of statistics in Catalonia in relation to the rest of the State and the European Union, and the analysis of its needs.
    • The evolution and application of the Annual Statistical Action Programmes.
    • The statistical nomenclatures and classifications, the territorial references, and the standardised codes and disaggregation ranges used in statistics.
    • Any other matters assigned to it by the Government of Catalonia.

For a more detailed description of the functions carried out by the Catalan Statistic Council, refer to Decree 24/2014, from the 25th February, on the organisation and operation of the Statistical Institute of Catalonia (articles 10 and 11).

President Ms. Guadalupe Gómez Melis
Vice-President of the Governing Board of the Statistics System of Catalonia Mr. Juli Fernández Iruela
Vice-President of the Governing Board of the Statistics System of Catalonia Mr. David Lizoain Bennett
Director of Idescat (Council secretary) Mr. Xavier Cuadras Morató
University of Barcelona Mr. Josep M. Oller i Sala
Politechnic University of Catalonia Mr. Pedro Delicado Usero
Atonomous University of Barcelona Mr. Pere Puig i Casado
Pompeu Fabra University Mr. Jaume Garcia Villar
Rovira i Virgili University Mr. Josep M. Mateo Sanz
Ramon Llull University Mr. Jordi Cuadros Margarit
University of Girona Ms. Glòria Mateu Figueras
Open University of Catalonia Mr. Antoni Meseguer Artola
University of Lleida Mr. Carles Comas Rodríguez
University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia Mr. Joan Carles Martori i Cañas
Abat Oliba CEU University Ms. Carme Ruiz-Viñals
International University of Catalonia Mr. Toni Mora Corral
Foment del Treball Nacional Mr. Salvador Guillermo i Viñeta
Institute of Catalan Studies Ms. Marta Sanz-Solé
PIMEC Mr. Moisés Bonal i Ferrer
UGT Mr. José Manuel Fandiño Crespo
CCOO Ms. Irene Galí Magallón
Catalan Association of Municipalities Mr. Jordi Oliveres i Prats
Federation of Municipalities of Catalonia Ms. Montserrat Feliu Roig
OCUC Mr. Leopoldo Gay Montalvo
Catalan Data Protection Authority Ms. Meritxell Borràs i Solé
Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia Ms. Miriam Moysset i Gil
Centre for Opinion Studies Mr. Joan Rodriguez Teruel
Deputy Director General of Production and Coordination Ms. Cristina Rovira i Trepat
Deputy Director General of Statistical Information and Communication Mr. Josep Sort i Ticó
Deputy Director General of Administration and General Services Nomination pending
Previous presidencies
From To
Ms. Anna Cabré i Pla 27/10/2011 03/10/2019
Mr. Josep M. Vegara i Carrió 12/04/2007 06/10/2011
Mr. Martí Parellada i Sabata 04/11/2004 12/04/2007
Mr. Eduard Bonet i Guinó 02/01/1991 04/11/2004