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Resident employed population. Journeys from residence to work. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces

Resident employed population. Journeys from residence to work. Counties, areas and provinces 2011
Residents that work inside area Residents that work in other territories Residents that work outside Catalonia Non-residents that work inside area Difference LWP - REP (1)
Alt Camp 11,925 4,529 1,986 5,368 -1,147
Alt Empordà 42,042 5,041 6,145 3,894 -7,292
Alt Penedès 29,071 11,012 4,326 9,904 -5,434
Alt Urgell 6,696 930 1,776 601 -2,105
Alta Ribagorça 1,308 326 241 24 -543
Anoia 28,511 12,589 4,383 4,921 -12,050
Bages 53,709 11,228 7,232 7,423 -11,037
Baix Camp 46,104 19,698 7,636 10,047 -17,286
Baix Ebre 21,757 3,576 3,480 3,909 -3,147
Baix Empordà 35,645 7,887 5,128 3,166 -9,850
Baix Llobregat 187,087 110,432 32,213 97,307 -45,337
Baix Penedès 19,031 12,114 3,455 5,581 -9,989
Barcelonès 713,555 135,676 69,702 257,576 52,199
Berguedà 10,495 3,212 1,765 1,189 -3,788
Cerdanya 6,549 963 1,463 501 -1,925
Conca de Barberà 5,875 1,599 858 2,346 -111
Garraf 32,534 21,710 5,888 4,499 -23,100
Garrigues 5,116 2,057 839 1,587 -1,309
Garrotxa 18,542 2,829 2,129 2,557 -2,402
Gironès 57,937 12,618 7,832 18,924 -1,526
Maresme 95,728 55,275 17,910 17,064 -56,120
Montsià 18,378 3,625 3,878 1,572 -5,930
Noguera 10,379 3,357 1,668 1,898 -3,127
Osona 48,067 7,472 6,817 4,987 -9,302
Pallars Jussà 3,744 748 909 289 -1,368
Pallars Sobirà 2,235 370 629 289 -710
Pla d'Urgell 9,995 3,917 1,834 2,749 -3,002
Pla de l'Estany 8,791 3,933 1,372 2,588 -2,717
Priorat 2,524 917 483 519 -881
Ribera d'Ebre 6,431 1,385 839 1,784 -440
Ripollès 8,421 1,751 1,089 912 -1,928
Segarra 7,024 1,862 1,005 1,884 -982
Segrià 68,634 6,792 9,032 6,922 -8,902
Selva 42,617 16,535 6,824 12,396 -10,963
Solsonès 4,368 704 602 706 -600
Tarragonès 70,617 17,119 9,331 22,361 -4,089
Terra Alta 3,432 802 813 458 -1,157
Urgell 10,089 3,079 1,390 2,512 -1,957
Val d'Aran 3,716 380 398 371 -407
Vallès Occidental 235,559 93,034 35,846 85,854 -43,027
Vallès Oriental 102,196 46,589 16,664 40,229 -23,025
Metropolità 1,746,745 28,386 172,336 85,411 -115,311
Comarques Gironines 247,378 17,210 30,519 11,053 -36,677
Camp de Tarragona 168,973 11,933 20,294 8,713 -23,515
Terres de l'Ebre 55,369 4,016 9,011 2,353 -10,674
Ponent 125,282 7,019 15,768 3,507 -19,280
Comarques Centrals 120,910 18,345 16,416 10,034 -24,727
Alt Pirineu i Aran 24,924 3,040 5,418 1,401 -7,058
Penedès 119,861 46,712 18,051 14,191 -50,573
Barcelona 2,024,685 19,820 202,713 42,682 -179,851
Girona 253,037 17,887 31,572 11,517 -37,941
Lleida 150,418 8,821 20,767 3,745 -25,843
Tarragona 251,654 19,782 32,760 8,365 -44,177
Units: People travelling.
Source: Idescat, based on the INE Population and Housing Census.
(1) Difference between located places of work (LWP) and the resident employed population (REP).
The Population and Housing Census 2011 includes survey data. The results have been conveniently rounded up and are shown without decimals. Hence, some totals may not coincide with the sum of their disaggregation.

Last update: July 15, 2014.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Displacements (outward)
Those that have their origin within the area and destination in another area.
Displacement (inward)
Those that have their origin outside of the area and destination inside the area being dealt with.
Displacements (within)
Those that have their origin and destination in the same area. Includes schoolchildren, students and people that do not travel to work.

Methodological aspects

The data from the population census concerning the location of economic activity of the employed population on the location of the student population place of study allows for knowing the commuting for the population by comparing the place of work/study with the place of residence of the workers and students. The population census also examines mobility characteristics like transport means used, number of trips and their duration, while connecting these variables to demographic and economic characteristics.

The reference population for the study of commuting to work reasons is the resident employed population (REP), which is comprised of all employed residents, including both those working outside and within the resident area. The same analysis applies to both the resident student population (RSP).

The unit of analysis in the statistics of commuting are those persons who are residents of Catalonia that are working and residents of Catalonia that are studying. In the 2001 and 2011, when a person was both studying and working they only had to answer questions about mobility related to work. This criteria is not maintained in earlier years.

With respect to age, all editions of the statistics include all people that work or study, with the exception of 2001, which only included information on the population aged 16 years and over.

In the 2001 and el 2011 censuses, part of the working and student population did not have to answer the specific questions on mobility in the census questionnaire and were therefore excluded from the analysis. These were people that:

  • Do not travel because they work or study at home.
  • Work or study in different municipalities, about which only the city of residence is known, but not the work or study city.
  • Have a second residence from which they travel to work or study, about which only the municipality of residence, work or study are known, but the municipality of the second home from which they commute is not available.

Questions about the means of transport have differed across the different editions. In the 2001 and 2011 censuses the data collection categories were modified and it was possible to answer with up to two possibilities in reference to longer journeys.

The 2001 and 2011 censuses asked about the number of journeys per day, which corresponded to the outward journey and the return journey, as well as the journey time from home to the place of work or study. These two variables were absent in the previous editions.

The following categories are defined:

  • Residents that work inside area/Resident students that study inside area: Persons that work/study in the same geographic area in which they reside.
  • Residents that work out-of-area/Resident students that study out-of-area: Resident persons in the selected geographic area that work/study in a different area.
  • Non-residents that work inside area/Non Resident students that study inside area: Persons that work/study in the selected geographic area but reside outside of this area.
  • Resident employed/student population (REP and RSP): Resident employed/Student population = Residents that work inside area/Students that study inside area + Residents that work out-of-area/Students that study out-of-area + employed/students that commute to several municipalities.
  • Located places of work/study (LPW and LPS): = Residents that work inside area/Students that study inside area + Non-residents that work inside area/Non-resident students that study inside area.
  • Difference: The difference between the number of located places of work/study and the resident employed/student population by geographic area.
  • Non-commuting: Works or studies at home.
  • Not applicable: Works or studies in several municipalities, has a second residence at the place of work or study or did not answer this question.
  • Means of transport: In car or van as driver. In car or van as passenger. In bus, coach or minibus. In metro. On motorbike. Walking. On train. On bicycle. Other means.

The Population and Housing Census 2011 includes survey data. The results have been conveniently rounded up and are shown without decimals. Hence, some totals may not coincide with the sum of their disaggregation.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".