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Idescat governance and administration bodies

Board of Governors [+]

Idescat's governing body, chaired by the Minister of the Ministry of the Economy and Finance. It is composed of the President, five spokespersons and the secretary.

Director [+]

The director is appointed by the Government of Catalonia at the proposal by the Minister of the Ministry of the Economy and Finance. The director represents the Institute and manages and coordinates its activities.

Catalan Statistic Council [+]

Advisory and assessment body belonging to Idescat. Among its key functions, it is producing a non-binding preliminary report in relation to the Statistic Plan for Catalonia and the Annual Statistical Action Programme.

Organisational structure [+]

The Statistical Institute of Catalonia is structured into the following general sub-directorates —which are directly dependant on the director's office—, and are organised according to different functional areas, as one service.