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Population Estimates. S2/2023–S1/2024. Definitive data

The resident population in Catalonia increased by 110,268 inhabitants during 2023. Migration with foreign countries was the main item in terms of population growth (126,804 people).


Statistics on Campsite Activity. Q4/2024 and year 2024. Provisional data

The number of overnight stays spent at campsites in Catalonia decreased by 0.9% in the fourth quarter of 2024 on the year-over-year data and, in the year 2024 as a whole, it increased by 6.8%, according to provisional data.


Statistics on Foreign Tourism. 12/2024 and year 2024. Provisional data

The number of foreign tourists arriving in Catalonia increased by 5.2% in December 2024 on the year-over-year data and, in the year 2024 as a whole, by 9.7%, according to provisional data.


Statistics on Foreign Tourism Expenditure. 12/2024 and year 2024. Provisional data

The total expenditure made by foreign tourists whose principal destination was Catalonia increased by 6.2% on the year-over-year data for December 2024 and, in 2024 as a whole, by 11.8%, according to provisional data.


Statistics on Rural Tourism Accommodation Activity. Q4/2024 and 2024. Provisional data

The number of overnight stays in rural tourism establishments in Catalonia increased by a year-over-year 4.0% in the fourth quarter of 2024 and decreased by 2.8% in the whole year 2024, according to provisional data.


Idescat training activities on statistical procedures. First semester 2025

The schedule for technical sessions and other training and promotional activities in the field of statistics, which Idescat has designed for the first semester of 2025, can now be consulted.


Retail Trade Index. 12/2024

The General Retail Trade Index without service stations, at current prices, increased by 5.6% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in December 2024.


Survey on ICT Equipment and Use in Households. 2024

62.5% of the population aged 16 to 74 years in Catalonia has shopped on the Internet at some time during the last 3 months in 2024, 2.5 points more than a year ago.


Population and Housing Census 2023. Migration

In the period 2021-2022, 537,953 people took up residence in Catalonia. Of these, 85.0% were born abroad, 7.1% in the rest of Spain and 7.9% in Catalonia.


Government approves the Annual Programme for Statistical Action 2025

The Government has approved the Annual Statistical Action Programme 2025 (PAAE 2024). The number of actions programmed is 300.


Economically Active Population Survey. Q4/2023

The employed population in Catalonia grew by 1.5% year-over-year in the fourth quarter of 2024. The unemployment rate stood at 7.87%, with a total of 329,300 unemployed people (54,000 people less than the previous year, with a decrease of 14.1% and of 1,29 points in the unemployment rate).


Longitudinal Statistics on Working Lives. 2019-2023

A total of 4,333,675 people were registered for paid employment for at least one day in Catalonia in 2023, 2.6% more than the previous year.


Statistics on Hotel Activity. 12/2024 and year 2024. Provisional data

The overnight stays in hotel establishments in Catalonia decreased by 1.5% year-over-year in December 2024 and increased by 3.3% in the whole year 2024.


Indicators of Hotel Sector Profitability. 12/2024 and year 2024. Provisional data

The Average Daily Rate (ADR) at hotel establishments increased year-over-year by 3.5% in Catalonia in December 2024 and by 6.5% in 2024.


Industrial Price Index. 12/2024 and year 2024. Provisional data

The industrial products price index (which does not include energy) increased by 1.1% in year-over-year terms in Catalonia in December 2024. The annual average increased by 2.1% in comparison with the previous year, according to provisional data.


Business Climate Survey. Q4/2024

The business situation of companies in Catalonia in the fourth quarter of 2024 registered a balance of 10.7 points, and the expected business performance for the first quarter of 2025 stands at 7.3 points.


Labour market statistics on people with disabilities. 2023

The number of employed persons with disabilities was 102,800 in 2023, 11.3% more than the previous year, and the employment rate stood at 30.5%, 2 points higher than in 2022.


Business Confidence Indicators. Q4/2025

The Harmonized Business Confidence Index of Catalonia increased by 0.7% in the first quarter of 2025 compared to the previous quarter.


Indicators of Service Sector Activity. Turnover Index. 11/2024

The Turnover Index in Service Sector decreased by 0.2% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in November 2024.


Industry Turnover Index. 11/2024

The Industry Turnover Index for industrial products, excluding energy, registered a year-over-year decrease of 2.7% in Catalonia in November 2024.


Large Store Sales Index. 11/2024

The Large Store Sales Index of Catalonia at current prices increased by 1.3% in November 2024 compared to a year ago.


Statistics on Salaried Employment and Self-Employment according to Social Security Affiliations. 12/2024. Provisional data

The number of affiliations to the Social Security General Regime through contribution accounts located in Catalonia grew by 2.5% year-over-year in December 2024 and the number of self-employed workers carrying out economic activities in Catalonia, by 0.3%.


Consumer Price Index. 12/2024

The Consumer Price Index increased by 2.9% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in December 2024 and the core inflation was 2.7%.


Contributors and Affiliations to Social Security based on Contributors' Registered Place of Residence. 12/2024

The number of Social Security contributors in Catalonia increased by 2.0% year-over-year in December 2024 and grew throughout the territory except in 4 counties. The monthly variation was only positive in 3 counties and Aran.


Industrial Production Index. 11/2024

The Industrial Production Index adjusted by working days increased by 0.6% in Catalonia in November 2024.


Statistics on Foreign Tourism. 11/2024

The number of foreign tourists who arrived in Catalonia in November 2024 stood at 1.3 million, 9.7% more than the previous year.


Statistics on Foreign Tourism Expenditure. 11/2024

The total expenditure by tourists residing abroad whose main destination is Catalonia stood at 1,382 million euros in November 2024, 8.8% more than the previous year.


Industrial Price Index. 11/2024

The Industrial Products Price Index (which does not include energy) increased by 1.0% year-over-year in Catalonia in November 2024.


Survey on the Use of ICT and e-Commerce in Companies. 2023-2024

31.8% of Catalan companies with 10 or more employed persons sold via e-commerce in 2023, 1.8 percentage points less than a year ago.


Retail Trade Index. 11/2024

The General Retail Trade Index without service stations, at current prices, increased by 3.4% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in November 2024.


Statistics on Hotel Activity. 11/2024

The number of overnight stays in hotel establishments in Catalonia increased by 1.5% year-over-year in November 2024, according to the Hotel Occupancy Survey.


Indicators of Hotel Sector Profitability. 11/2024

The average daily rate in hotel establishments increased by a year-over-year 8.3% in Catalonia in November 2024 and stood at 128.96 euros.


Statistics on Audiovisuals. 2022

The turnover of companies in the audiovisual sector in Catalonia in 2022 was 1,437 million euros, a 11.5% higher than the year before.


Advance Release Calendar 2025

The calendar for the release of the results of Idescat's statistical production for the year 2025. .


Tourism in Catalonia of Residents in the Rest of Spain. Q3/2024

The number of trips in Catalonia of residents of the rest of the State decreased 20.4% year-over-year in the third quarter of 2024, which meant a total of 1.7 million trips.


Tourism of Residents in Catalonia. Q3/2024

The number of trips made by Catalans decreased 2.9% year–over–year in the third quarter 2024, which means a total of 9.9 milion trips.


Territorial Gross Domestic Product 2022 and Municipalities of more than 50,000 inhabitants 2023 Advance

In 2022, 214 of the 220 municipalities with more than 5,000 inhabitants and the other county capitals had positive GDP per inhabitant growth, led by Súria, El Prat de Llobregat and Salou.


Population and Housing Census. 2024. Advance

The population of Catalonia increased by 110,268 inhabitants in 2023 and on 1 January 2024 it stood at 8,012,231 inhabitants according to advanced data from the Population Census. In relative terms, in 2023 the population grew by 1.4%.


Industry Turnover Index. 10/2024

The Industry Turnover Index for industrial products, excluding energy, registered a year-over-year increase of 11.4% in Catalonia in October 2024.


Indicators of Service Sector Activity. Turnover Index. 10/2024

The Turnover Index in Service Sector increased by 5.9% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in October 2024.


Indicators of high-technology sectors and products. 2018-2022

The high-technology and medium high-technology sector had turnover of 82,867.8 million euros in Catalonia in 2022, which represents 15.9% of the turnover of the total industrial and services sectors.


Labour Cost Statistics. Q3/2024

The labour cost per worker and month stood at 3,203.59 euros in Catalonia as of the third quarter of 2024, 3.9% more than the same quarter in 2023.


Municipal Population Register. 01/01/2024. Official figures

Idescat published official population figures for Catalan municipalities by sex, referring to 1 January 2024, resulting from the revision of the Municipal Population Register.


Start of fieldwork on the Business Climate Survey. Q4/2024

The fieldwork for the Business Climate Survey for the fourth quarter of 2024 will start on 16 December and will take an expected 21 calendar days.


Consumer Price Index. 11/2024

The Consumer Price Index increased by 2.6% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in November 2024 and the core inflation was 2.7%.


Quarterly Accounts. Q3/2024

The gross domestic product of Catalonia registers a year-over-year variation of 3.9% and a quarter-over-quarter variation of 1.0% in the third quarter of 2024.


Indicators of Service Sector Activity. Indexes of Production and Turnover. Q3/2024

The Production Index in the Service Sector (IPROSS) increased by 4.3% on year-over-year basis in Catalonia in the third quarter of 2024.


Contributors and Affiliations to Social Security based on Contributors' Registered Place of Residence. 11/2024

The number of Social Security contributors in Catalonia increased by 2.5% year-over-year in November 2024 and grew throughout the territory, except in 3 counties and Aran. The monthly variation was positive in Catalonia as a whole and in 36 counties and Aran.


Seasonal Population Estimates. 2023

Pals and El Port de la Selva were the Catalan municipalities with the highest seasonal population in the third quarter of 2023 in relation to the census population out of the 479 municipalities for which results are provided.


Population and Housing Census. 2022. Relation to economic activity. Expansion of the results

Women accounted for 47.6% of the employed population on 1 January 2022, which is 0.1 percentage points more than in the previous year.


Industrial Production Index. 10/2024

The Industrial Production Index adjusted by working days increased by 3.4% year-over-year in Catalonia in October 2024.


Fulfilment of the 2023 Annual Programme for Statistical Action (PAAE 2023)

The report on the fulfillment of the statistical actions corresponding to the PAAE 2023 can now be consulted on the Idescat website.


Large Store Sales Index. 10/2024

The Large Store Sales Index of Catalonia at current prices increased by 4.9% in October 2024 compared to a year ago.


Marriages Statistics. 2023

The number of marriages celebrated in Catalonia in 2023 was 27,068, 0.1% less than in 2022.


Statistics on Foreign Tourism. 10/2024

The number of foreign tourists who arrived in Catalonia in October 2024 stood at 1.8 million, 9.4% more than the previous year.


Statistics on Foreign Tourism Expenditure. 10/2024

The total expenditure by tourists residing abroad whose main destination is Catalonia stood at 2,092 million euros in October 2024, 9.7% more than the previous year.


Death Statistics. 2023

In 2023, 67,662 deaths were registered in Catalonia, 4.3% less than in 2022.


Birth Statistics. 2023. Definitive data

n 2022, there were 54,217 live births to mothers residing in Catalonia, 3.8% less than in 2022, according to definitive data from the Birth Statistics.


Retail Trade Index. 10/2024

The General Retail Trade Index without service stations, at current prices, increased by 6.1% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in October 2024.


Business Climate Survey. Section on the Current Entrepreneurial Situation. Q3/2024

In the third quarter of 2024, business establishments in Catalonia reported that 24.3% of responsibility were held by women.


Territorial Survey on ICT in Households. 2023

In 2023, El Baix Llobregat and El Barcelonès were the counties with the highest proportion of people aged 16 to 74 who had used the internet in the previous three months (both 97.3%) while El Tarragonès (87.6%) had the lowest percentage.


The official name of the municipality of La Bisbal de Falset changes to La Bisbal de Montsant

On 25 November, the Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya (DOGC) announced the Resolution PRE/4130/2024, of 20 November which ratifies the name change of the municipality of La Bisbal de Falset, which is now called La Bisbal de Montsant.


Industrial Price Index. 10/2024

The Industrial Products Price Index (which does not include energy) increased by 0.8% year-over-year in Catalonia in October 2024.


Foreign Trade according to Technological Content. Q3/2024

Exports in Catalonia of industrial products with a high technological content increased by 1,6% year-over-year in the third quarter of 2024.


Statistics on Hotel Activity. 10/2024

The number of overnight stays in hotel establishments in Catalonia increased by 0.4% year-over-year in October 2024, according to the Hotel Occupancy Survey.


Indicators of Hotel Sector Profitability. 10/2024

The average daily rate in hotel establishments increased by a year-over-year 3.0% in Catalonia in October 2024 and stood at 129.91 euros.


Indicators of Service Sector Activity. Turnover Index. 09/2024

The Turnover Index in Service Sector increased by 2.2% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in September 2024.


Industry Turnover Index. 09/2024

The Industry Turnover Index for industrial products, excluding energy, registered a year-over-year increase of 1.2% in Catalonia in September 2024.


Consumer Price Index. 10/2024

The Consumer Price Index increased by 2.0% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in October 2024 and the core inflation was 2.6%.


Update of the nomenclature of territorial units for statistics in Catalan. 03/24/2023

IIdescat publishes, standardized in Catalan, the Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) corresponding to the Delegated Regulation (EU) no. 2023/674 of the European Commission, of 26 December 2022.


Contributors and Affiliations to Social Security based on Contributors' Registered Place of Residence. 10/2024

The number of Social Security contributors in Catalonia increased by 2.0% year-over-year in October 2024 and grew throughout the territory, except in 4 counties. The monthly variation was negative in Catalonia as a whole and in 27 counties and Aran.


Industrial Production Index. 09/2024

The Industrial Production Index adjusted by working days decreased by 0.7% year-over-year in Catalonia in September 2024.


Annual Wage Structure Statistics. 2022. Definitive data

Idescat has published the definitive results of the Annual Wage Structure Statistics for 2022.


Wage Structure Survey. 2022

The average annual earnings per worker in Catalonia were 28,774.55 euros in 2022, 2.2% more than the previous year's gross average wage, according to the Wage Structure Survey.


Large Store Sales Index. 09/2024

The Large Store Sales Index of Catalonia at current prices increased by 1.9% in September 2024 compared to a year ago.


Quarterly Accounts. Q3/2024. Advance of the GDP

The gross domestic product of Catalonia increased by 3.8% year-over-year in the third quarter of 2024, according to the advance estimate. The quarter-over-quarter rate was 0.9%.


Population Estimates. S2/2024. Provisional data. Advance

The population of Catalonia on 1 July 2024 amounted to 8,067,454 inhabitants, a figure which represents an increase of 50,848 people during the first half of the year and of 97,021 people compared to a year ago.


Statistics on Campsite Activity. Q3/2024

The number of overnight stays spent at campsites in Catalonia increased by 4.6% year-over year in the third quarter of 2024.


Statistics on Foreign Tourism. 09/2024

The number of foreign tourists who arrived in Catalonia in September 2024 stood at 2.0 million, 11.8% more than the previous year.


Statistics on Foreign Tourism Expenditure. 09/2024

The total expenditure by tourists residing abroad whose main destination is Catalonia stood at 2,471 million euros in September 2024, 15.9% more than the previous year.


Statistics on Rural Tourism Accommodation Activity. Q3/2024

The number of overnight stays in rural tourism establishments in Catalonia decreased by a year-over-year 6.7% in the third quarter of 2024.


Personal Income Tax. 2022

El Barcelonès (30,081euros) and El Garraf (29,635 euros) were the counties with the highest taxable base per personal income tax (IRPF) in 2022.


Statistics and Accounts of the ICT Companies. 2022

In 2022, the turnover of the ICT sector in Catalonia was 24,503 million euros and employed 133,420 people.


Statistics and Accounts of the Tourism Companies. 2022

In 2022 the tourism sector in Catalonia reported a turnover of 41,185 million euros and employed 436,887 people.


Statistics and Accounts of the Cultural Companies. 2022

In 2022 the cultural sector in Catalonia reported a turnover of 13,573 million euros and employed 111,707 people.


Announcement of the 16th Nursery Competition for Surveys and Experiments

The 16th edition of the Nursery Competition for Surveys and Experiments for statistical studies by students in compulsory secondary education, baccalaureate and training cycles in the academic year 2023-2024, has already started the registration period to encourage participation. The last day for registering is 24 April 2025.


Retail Trade Index. 09/2024

The General Retail Trade Index without service stations, at current prices, increased by 1.5% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in September 2024.


Industrial Price Index. 09/2024

The Industrial Products Price Index (which does not include energy) increased by 0.7% year-over-year in Catalonia in September 2024.


Economically Active Population Survey. Q3/2024

The employed population in Catalonia grew by 1.4% year-over-year in the third quarter of 2024. The unemployment rate stood at 8.83%, with a total of 373,900 unemployed people (12,100 people more than the previous year , with a increase of 3.4%.


Statistics on Hotel Activity. 09/2024

The number of overnight stays in hotel establishments in Catalonia increased by 1.1% year-over-year in September 2024, according to the Hotel Occupancy Survey.


Indicators of Hotel Sector Profitability. 09/2024

The average daily rate in hotel establishments increased by a year-over-year 10.4% in Catalonia in September 2024 and stood at 132.45 euros.


Presentation of the 22th Student Contest on Applied Statistics (UAB-Idescat)

The ceremony for presenting the awards of the 22th Student Contest on Applied Statistics, was held on the 16 October, framed within the 24th Statistics Day of Catalonia.


Statistics on Rural Tourism Accommodation Activity. 2023. Definitive data

Idescat disseminates the definitive data on Rural Tourism Accommodation Activity for 2023, that update the provisional data. in Pirineus and in Pirineus and


Indicators of Service Sector Activity. Turnover Index. 08/2024

The Turnover Index in Service Sector increased by 2.8% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in August 2024.


Industry Turnover Index. 07/2024

The Industry Turnover Index for industrial products, excluding energy, registered a year-over-year decrease of 7.1% in Catalonia in August 2024.


Business Climate Survey. Q3/2024

The business situation of companies in Catalonia in the third quarter of 2024 registered a balance of 8.3 points, and the expected business performance for the fourth quarter of 2024 stands at 7.0 points.


European Statistics Day 2024

Idescat is joining the celebration of the European Statistics Day (20 October), which this year has the motto "Official Statistics, a window for understanding society".


Business Confidence Indicators. Q4/2024

The Harmonized Business Confidence Index of Catalonia decreased by 1.9% in the fourth quarter of 2024 compared to the previous quarter.


Consumer Price Index. 09/2024

The Consumer Price Index increased by 1.7% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in September 2024 and the core inflation was 2.7%.


Statistics on Salaried Employment and Self-Employment according to Social Security Affiliations. 09/2024. Provisional data

The number of affiliations to the Social Security General Regime through contribution accounts located in Catalonia grew by 2.0% year-over-year in September 2024 and the number of self-employed workers carrying out economic activities in Catalonia, by 0.8%.


Names and Surnames of the Population. 2023

Antonio and José, for men, and Maria/María and Montserrat, for women, are the most common given names among the population living in Catalonia in 2023.


Contributors and Affiliations to Social Security based on Contributors' Registered Place of Residence. 09/2024

The number of Social Security contributors in Catalonia increased by 1.7% year-over-year in September 2024 and grew throughout the territory except in five counties. The monthly variation was positive in Catalonia as a whole although it fell in most counties.


Statistics on Hotel Activity. 2023. Definitive data

Idescat disseminates the definitive data on Hotel Activity for 2023, that update the provisional data.


Industrial Products Survey. 2023

The value of domestically produced industrial product sales in Catalonia was 123,105 million euros in 2023, a decrease of 1.0% compared to the year before.


Statistics on Commuting for Non-University Studies. SY 2023/24

81.6% of non-university students studied and resided in the same municipality in the academic year 2023/2024.


Industrial Production Index. 08/2024

The Industrial Production Index adjusted by working days decreased by 4.2% year-over-year in Catalonia in August 2024.


Statistics Day of Catalonia 2024

On October 16, the Statistics Day of Catalonia 2024 will be celebrated. On this day, the awards ceremony for the XXII Applied Statistics Student Competition, organised by the SEA (UAB) and Idescat.


Large Store Sales Index. 08/2024

The Large Store Sales Index of Catalonia at current prices increased by 2.2% in August 2024 compared to a year ago.


Statistics on Commuting for University Studies. SY 2022/23

In the school year 2022/2023 76.3% of the 171,335 university students resident in Catalonia studied outside their municipality of residence.


Statistics on Campsite Activity. 2023. Definitive data

Idescat disseminates the definitive data on Campsite Activity for 2023, that update the provisional data.


Statistics on Foreign Tourism. 08/2024

The number of foreign tourists who arrived in Catalonia in August 2024 stood at 2.3 million, 6.2% more than the previous year.


Statistics on Foreign Tourism Expenditure. 08/2024

The total expenditure by tourists residing abroad whose main destination is Catalonia stood at 3,057 million euros in August 2024, 8.8% more than the previous year.


Publication of journal SORT

The international statistical journal SORT, number 2 of volume 48, has been published for the period July-December 2024 with the inclusion of four articles.


Survey on Living Conditions. Subjective well-being: overall life satisfaction and trust in others 2021-2023

In 2023, population rated overall life satisfaction at 7.3 points out of 10 and trust in other people at 6.4 points out of 10.


Retail Trade Index. 08/2024

The General Retail Trade Index without service stations, at current prices, increased by 4.4% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in August 2024.


Tourism in Catalonia of Residents in the Rest of Spain. Q2/2024

The number of trips in Catalonia of residents of the rest of the State decreased 20.9% year-over-year in the second quarter of 2024, which meant a total of 1.5 million trips.


Tourism of Residents in Catalonia. Q2/2024

The number of trips made by Catalans increased 2.9% year–over–year in the second quarter 2024, which means a total of 8.0 milion trips.


Statistics on Hotel Activity. 08/2024

The number of overnight stays in hotel establishments in Catalonia increased by 0.9% year-over-year in August 2024, according to the Hotel Occupancy Survey.


Industrial Price Index. 08/2024

The Industrial Products Price Index (which does not include energ) increased by 0.8% year-over-year in Catalonia in August 2024.


Indicators of Hotel Sector Profitability. 08/2024

The average daily rate in hotel establishments increased by a year-over-year 6.5% in Catalonia in August 2024 and stood at 144.88 euros.


Industry Turnover Index. 07/2024

The Industry Turnover Index for industrial products, excluding energy, registered a year-over-year increase of 5.7% in Catalonia in July 2024.


Indicators of Service Sector Activity. Turnover Index. 07/2024

The Turnover Index in Service Sector increased by 9.4% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in July 2024.


Statistics on Main Characteristics of the Population and Housing. Fertility. 2021

In 2021, 56.7% of women and 74.3% of men aged 30 to 34 had no children. Fertility levels decreased between 2011 and 2021 in women under 55, especially among the youngest.


Statistics on Degree of Urbanisation. 2022

In Catalonia, 76.7% of the territory are rural areas where 8.9% of the population resides, while 3.7% of the territory are densely populated areas where the majority of the population lives (61.6%).


Labour Cost Statistics. Q2/2024

The labour cost per worker and month stood at 3,434.63 euros in Catalonia as of the second quarter of 2024, 3.6% more than the same quarter in 2023.


Announcement of the XXII Student Contest on Applied Statistics (UAB-Idescat)

The twentieth second edition of the Student Contest on Applied Statistics has been announced, a competition that is organised annually by the Statistics Service at the UAB with the collaboration of the Statistical Institute of Catalonia.


Start of fieldwork on the Business Climate Survey. Q3/2024

The fieldwork for the Business Climate Survey for the third quarter of 2024 carried out from the 16th of September and will end on the 9th of October.


Quarterly Accounts. Q1/2024

The gross domestic product of Catalonia registers a year-over-year variation of 3.0% and a quarter-over-quarter variation of 0.9% in the second quarter of 2024.


Consumer Price Index. 08/2024

The Consumer Price Index increased by 2.4% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in August 2024 and the core inflation was also 2.9%.


Industrial Production Index. 07/2024

The Industrial Production Index adjusted by working days increased by 1.1% year-over-year in Catalonia in July 2024.


Foreign Trade according to Technological Content. Q2/2024

Exports in Catalonia of industrial products with a high technological content decreased by 8.9% year-over-year in the second quarter of 2024.


Contributors and Affiliations to Social Security based on Contributors' Registered Place of Residence. 08/2024

The number of Social Security contributors in Catalonia increased by 3.3% year-over-year in August 2024 and grew throughout the territory, except in one county. As for the monthly variation, it was negative in Catalonia as a whole and in 37 counties.


Large Store Sales Index. 07/2024

The Large Store Sales Index of Catalonia at current prices increased by 2.7% in June 2024 compared to a year ago.


Indicators of Service Sector Activity. Indexes of Production and Turnover. Q2/2024

The Production Index in the Service Sector (IPROSS) increased by 2.7% on year-over-year basis in Catalonia in the second quarter of 2024.


Idescat's participation in the 10th Hispanic-American Conference on Input-Output Analysis

Idescat participates in the 10th Hispanic-American Conference on Input-Output Analysis, which will be held in Gijón (Spain) from 4 to 6 September.


Statistics on Foreign Tourism Expenditure. 07/2024

The total expenditure by tourists residing abroad whose main destination is Catalonia stood at 3,127 million euros in July 2024, 2.1% more than the previous year.


Statistics on Foreign Tourism. 07/2024

The number of foreign tourists who arrived in Catalonia in July 2024 stood at 2.4 million, 3.7% more than the previous year.


Retail Trade Index. 07/2024

The General Retail Trade Index without service stations, at current prices, increased by 5.2% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in July 2024.


Idescat training activities on statistical procedures. Second semester 2024

The schedule of technical sessions and training or promotional activities in the statistical field that Idescat has designed for the second semester of 2024 is now available.


Industry Turnover Index. 06/2024

The Industry Turnover Index for industrial products, excluding energy, registered a year-over-year decrease of 8.0% in Catalonia in June 2024.


Indicators of Service Sector Activity. Turnover Index. 06/2024

The Turnover Index in Service Sector increased by 0.4% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in June 2024.


Statistics on Hotel Activity. 07/2024

The number of overnight stays in hotel establishments in Catalonia increased by 2,2% year-over-year in July2024, according to the Hotel Occupancy Survey.


Industrial Price Index. 07/2024

The Industrial Products Price Index (which does not include energ) increased by 0.8% year-over-year in Catalonia in July 2024.


Indicators of Hotel Sector Profitability. 07/2024

The average daily rate in hotel establishments increased by a year-over-year 5.9% in Catalonia in July 2024 and stood at 139.48 euros. .


Consumer Price Index. 07/2024

The Consumer Price Index increased by 2.9% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in July 2024 and the core inflation was also 2.9%.


Contributors and Affiliations to Social Security based on Contributors' Registered Place of Residence. 07/2024

The number of Social Security contributors in Catalonia increased by 2.5% year-over-year in July 2024 and grew throughout the territory, except in 3 counties. Regarding the monthly variation, it is negative in Catalonia as a whole and in 23 counties.


Labour Cost Statistics. 2023

The total gross labour cost per worker stood at 38,965.23 euros in Catalonia in 2023, a figure that represents an increase of 5.6% compared to 2022, according to the Annual Labour Cost Survey.


Industrial Production Index. 06/2024

The Industrial Production Index adjusted by working days increased by 6.5% year-over-year in Catalonia in June 2024.


Statistics on Foreign Tourism Expenditure. 06/2024

The total expenditure by tourists residing abroad whose main destination is Catalonia stood at 2,531 million euros in June 2024, 12.8% more than the previous year.


Statistics on Foreign Tourism. 06/2024

The number of foreign tourists who arrived in Catalonia in June 2024 stood at 2.0 million, 10.1% more than the previous year.


Statistics on Campsite Activity. Q2/2024

The number of overnight stays spent at campsites in Catalonia increased by 0.9% year-over year in the second quarter of 2024.


Large Store Sales Index. 06/2024

The Large Store Sales Index of Catalonia at current prices increased by 1.5% in June 2024 compared to a year ago.


Statistics on Rural Tourism Accommodation Activity. Q2/2024

The number of overnight stays in rural tourism establishments in Catalonia decreased by a year-over-year 13.5% in the second quarter of 2024.


Quarterly Accounts. Q2/2024. Advance of the GDP

The gross domestic product of Catalonia increased by 2.9% year-over-year in the second quarter of 2024, according to the advance estimate. The quarter-over-quarter rate was 0.8%.


At Risk of Poverty and Social Exclusion Territorial Indicators. Non-economic indicators. 2022

Idescat updates the non-economic At Risk of Poverty and Social Exclusion Territorial Indicators with data from 2022.


Social Welfare and Progress Indicators. 2023

Idescat updated the Social Welfare and Progress Indicators. This update includes the values of 9 indicators for 2023. In addition, 3 indicators for 2022 were completed and updated.


Business Climate Survey. Section on the Current Entrepreneurial Situation. Q2/2024

11.6% of business establishments in Catalonia reported using artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in the second quarter of 2024.


Catalonia in figures 2024

Idescat presents Catalonia in figures 2024, a publication in which demographic, social and economic data on Catalonia are presented and compared with Spain and Europe. This year's edition is presented in a renewed format, where graphics are specially important.


Retail Trade Index. 06/2024

The General Retail Trade Index without service stations, at current prices, increased by 2.3% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in June 2024.


Economically Active Population Survey. Q2/2024

The employed population in Catalonia grew by 1.9% year-over-year in the second quarter of 2024. The unemployment rate stood at 9.41%, with a total of 395,300 unemployed people (31,100 people more than the previous year , with a increase of 8.5%).


Statistics on Hotel Activity. 06/2024

The number of overnight stays in hotel establishments in Catalonia increased by 8.5% year-over-year in June 2024, according to the Hotel Occupancy Survey.


Industrial Price Index. 06/2024

The Industrial Products Price Index (which does not include energ) increased by 0.7% year-over-year in Catalonia in June 2024.


Indicators of Hotel Sector Profitability. 06/2024

The average daily rate in hotel establishments increased by a year-over-year 6.4% in Catalonia in June 2024 and stood at 134.31 euros.


Indicators of Service Sector Activity. Turnover Index. 05/2024

The Turnover Index in Service Sector increased by 4.1% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in May 2024.


Industry Turnover Index. 05/2024

The Industry Turnover Index for industrial products, excluding energy, registered a year-over-year increase of 0.4% in Catalonia in May 2024.


Business Climate Survey. Q2/2024

The business situation of companies in Catalonia in the second quarter of 2024 registered a balance of 11.9 points, and the expected business performance for the third quarter of 2024 stands at 11.6 points.


Statistics on Salaried Employment and Self-Employment according to Social Security Affiliations. 06/2024. Provisional data

The number of affiliations to the General Social Security Scheme through contribution accounts located in Catalonia grew by 3.7% year-over-year in June 2024 and the number of self-employed workers carrying out economic activities in Catalonia, by 1.5%. .


A delegation from the Zhejiang Provincial Bureau of Statistics of China visits Idescat

Today, July 15, a delegation from the Zhejiang Provincial Bureau of Statistics of China visits Idescat.


Consumer Price Index. 06/2024

The Consumer Price Index increased by 3.6% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in June 2024 and the core inflation was 3.3%.


Contributors and Affiliations to Social Security based on Contributors' Registered Place of Residence. 06/2024

The number of Social Security contributors in Catalonia increased by 3.1% year-over-year in June 2024 and grew in 40 counties and Aran. Regarding the monthly variation, it was positive everywhere, except in 1 county.


Business Confidence Indicators. Q3/2024

The Harmonized Business Confidence Index of Catalonia increased by 0.6% in the third quarter of 2024 compared to the previous quarter.


Structural Business Statistics in the Service Sector. 2022

The turnover generated by companies in Catalonia's non-financial market services sector was 332,429 million euros in 2022, 18.3% higher than the previous year.


Annual Wage Structure Statistics. 2022. Provisional data

The gross annual salary per worker in Catalonia was 28,774.55 euros in 2022, 2.2% more than the previous year, according to provisional data.


Industrial Production Index. 05/2024

The Industrial Production Index adjusted by working days increased by 3.7% year-over-year in Catalonia in May 2024.


Large Store Sales Index. 05/2024

The Large Store Sales Index of Catalonia at current prices increased by 1.1% in May 2024 compared to a year ago.


Maps for census tract groups of Catalonia 2022-2023

Idescat publishes the update of the maps for the territorial nomenclature for census tract groups for the years 2022 to 2023, in Shapefile format.


Structural Business Statistics in the Industrial Sector. 2022

The turnover of industrial companies in Catalonia stood at 187,991 million euros in 2022, a figure that shows an increase of 20.9% compared to the year before.


Statistics on Foreign Tourism. 05/2024

The number of foreign tourists who arrived in Catalonia in May 2024 stood at 2.0 million, 5.9% more than the previous year.


Statistics on Foreign Tourism Expenditure. 05/2024

The total expenditure by tourists residing abroad whose main destination is Catalonia stood at 2,323 million euros in May 2024, 8.3% more than the previous year.


Names of Newborn Children. 2023

Jan and Martina were the most popular baby names in Catalonia in 2023.


Birth Statistics. 2023. Provisional data

In 2023, there were 54,182 live births in Catalonia according to provisional data from the Birth Statistics, a figure that represents a decrease of 3.9% in relation to the definitive birth data for 2022. The short-term fertility rate stood at 1.10 children per woman, and below the 1995 low of 1.14 children.


Tourism of Residents in Catalonia. Q1/2024

The number of trips made by Catalans increased 19.6% year–over–year in the first quarter 2024, which means a total of 6.8 milion trips.


Tourism in Catalonia of Residents in the Rest of Spain. Q1/2024

The number of trips in Catalonia of residents of the rest of the State increased 2.2% year-over-year in the first quarter of 2024, which meant a total of 1.1 million trips.


Population and Housing Census. 2021-2022. Relation to economic activity

A total of 64.8% of the population aged 16 to 64 was employed in the week prior to 1 January 2022, which is 2.4 percentage points more than in the previous year.


Population and Housing Census 2022. Studies

34.7% of the population aged 15 or over in Catalonia had higher education on 1 January 2022, and the proportion for primary education or lower was 14.0%.


Property tax. 2023

Idescat provides information on real estate cadastre and property tax for the year 2023 (provisional data).


Small area socioeconomic index. 2021

Matadepera, Castellolí, Sant Just Desvern, Tiana and Sant Cugat del Vallès registered the highest territorial socioeconomic index (IST) in 2021 among municipalities with more than 500 inhabitants.


Retail Trade Index. 05/2024

The General Retail Trade Index without service stations, at current prices, increased by 3.7% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in May 2024.


Statistics on Contributory Pensions. Contributory Social Security Pensions and Pensioners. 2023

The number of pensioners increased by 0.2% in 2023 in Catalonia. The number of pensioners is equivalent to 19.5% of the population in Catalonia and over 25% in El Berguedà, El Ripollès, La Terra Alta, El Lluçanès and Les Garrigues.


Statistics on Hotel Activity. 05/2024

The number of overnight stays in hotel establishments in Catalonia increased by 11.7% year-over-year in May 2024, according to the Hotel Occupancy Survey.


Industrial Price Index. 05/2024

The Industrial Products Price Index (which does not include energ) increased by 0.2% year-over-year in Catalonia in May 2024.


Indicators of Hotel Sector Profitability. 05/2024

The average daily rate in hotel establishments increased by a year-over-year 4.5% in Catalonia in May 2024 and stood at 125.64 euros.


Industry Turnover Index. 04/2024

The Industry Turnover Index for industrial products, excluding energy, registered a year-over-year increase of 0.4% in Catalonia in May 2024. L'índex de volum de negoci a la indústria (IVNI) dels productes industrials, excloent-ne l'energia (base 2021=100), augmenta un 0,4% interanual a Catalunya al maig del 2024. Per grans sectors industrials, els béns de consum creixen un 3,4%; d’altra banda, els béns intermedis decreixen un 1,7% i els béns d’equipament un 0,7%. En aquest mateix període, l'índex general de l'IVNI augmenta un 1,1% interanual a Catalunya.


Indicators of Service Sector Activity. Turnover Index. 04/2024

The Turnover Index in Service Sector increased by 9.5% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in April 2024.


The official name of the municipality of Masarac changes to Masarac i Vilarnadal

On 19 June, the Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya (DOGC) announced the Resolution PRE/2200/2024, of 14 June, which ratifies the name change of the municipality of Masarac, which is now called Masarac i Vilarnadal.


Labour Cost Statistics. Q1/2024

The labour cost per worker and month stood at 3,253.65 euros in Catalonia as of the first quarter of 2024, 3.8% more than the same quarter in 2023.


Presentation of the awards for the 15th Nursery Competition for Surveys and Experiments

The awards ceremony for the 15th Nursery Competition for Surveys and Experiments was held on Thursday 31 May.


Quarterly Accounts. Q1/2024

The gross domestic product of Catalonia registers a year-over-year variation of 2.5% in the first quarter of 2024. In quarter-over-quarter terms, the variation is 0.7%.


Indicators of Service Sector Activity. Indexes of Production and Turnover. Q1/2024

The Production Index in the Service Sector (IPROSS) decreased by 0.8% on year-over-year basis in Catalonia in the first quarter of 2024.


Start of fieldwork on the Business Climate Survey. Q2/2024

The fieldwork for the Business Climate Survey for the second quarter of 2024 carried out from the 14th of June and will end on the 4th of July.


Consumer Price Index. 05/2024

The Consumer Price Index increased by 3.6% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in May 2024 and the core inflation was 3.1%.


Contributors and Affiliations to Social Security based on Contributors' Registered Place of Residence. 05/2024

The number of Social Security contributors in Catalonia increased by 2.5% year-over-year in May 2024 and grew in 39 counties and Aran. Regarding the monthly variation, it was positive in 40 counties and Aran.


Industrial Production Index. 04/2024

The Industrial Production Index adjusted by working days increased by 7.2% year-over-year in Catalonia in April 2024.


Large Store Sales Index. 04/2024

The Large Store Sales Index of Catalonia at current prices increased by 0.4% in April 2024 compared to a year ago.


Idescat participates in the 11th European Conference on Quality in Official Statistics

Idescat participates in the 11th European Conference on Quality in Official Statistics, to be held in Estoril (Portugal) from 4 to 7 June.


Statistics on Foreign Tourism. 04/2024

The number of foreign tourists who arrived in Catalonia in April 2024 stood at 1.7 million, 8.3% more than the previous year.


Statistics on Foreign Tourism Expenditure. 04/2024

The total expenditure by tourists residing abroad whose main destination is Catalonia stood at 1,807 million euros in April 2024, 11.6% more than the previous year.


Innovation in Companies Statistics. 2022

The expenditure of companies in innovative activities made in Catalonia reached 5,450 million euros in 2022, 19.8% more than 2020.


Retail Trade Index. 04/2024

The General Retail Trade Index without service stations, at current prices, increased by 5.7% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in April 2024.


Business Climate Survey. Section on the Current Entrepreneurial Situation. Q1/2024

In the first quarter of 2024, 87.7% of business establishments in Catalonia declared that they had implemented social sustainability measures in the previous year.


Statistics on social inclusion income. 2023

During 2023, the monthly average of guaranteed income for citizens decreased by 5.4%, and the average of active inclusion income by 6.7%.


Foreign Trade according to Technological Content. Q1/2024

Catalan exports of industrial products with a high technological content decreased by 15.8% year-over-year in the first quarter of 2024.


Industrial Price Index. 04/2024

The Industrial Products Price Index (which does not include energ) decreased by 0.5% year-over-year in Catalonia in April 2024.


Statistics on Hotel Activity. 04/2024

The number of overnight stays in hotel establishments in Catalonia decreased by 7.7% year-over-year in April 2024, according to the Hotel Occupancy Survey.


Indicators of Hotel Sector Profitability. 04/2024

The average daily rate in hotel establishments increased by a year-over-year 10.3% in Catalonia in April 2024 and stood at 133.53 euros.


Industry Turnover Index. 03/2024

The Industry Turnover Index for industrial products, excluding energy, registered a year-over-year decrease of 11.6% in Catalonia in March 2024.


Indicators of Service Sector Activity. Turnover Index. 03/2024

The Turnover Index in Service Sector decreased by 5.8% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in March 2024.


Statistics on non-contributory pensions. 2023

A total of 64,504 non-contributory Social Security pensions were paid in Catalonia in December 2023, a 4.2% more with respect to the previous year.


Publication of journal SORT

The international statistical journal SORT, number 1 of volume 48, has been published for the period January-June 2024. It includes an invited article with discussion and three more articles.


Total Factor Productivity. 2023

The contribution of total factor productivity (TFP) to the GDP decreased of Catalonia was 0.2 points in 2023.


Seasonal Population Estimates. 2022

El Port de la Selva, Pals and Santa Susanna were the Catalan municipalities with the highest seasonal population in 2022 compared to the registered population, among the 474 municipalities for which results are provided.


Population Estimates. S1/2024. Provisional data. Advanced

The population of Catalonia on 1 January 2024 amounted to 8,016,606 inhabitants, according to provisional data from the Population Estimates.


Statistics on unemployment benefits. 2023

The average number of unemployment benefits in Catalonia increased by 3.9% in 2023 and the economic volume increased by 6.4%.


Consumer Price Index. 04/2024

The Consumer Price Index increased by 3.3% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in April 2024 and the core inflation was a 3.0%.


Industrial Production Index. 2023. Definitive data

Idescat disseminates the definitive data on the Industrial Production Index for 2023, that update the provisional data.


Contributors and Affiliations to Social Security based on Contributors' Registered Place of Residence. 04/2024

The number of Social Security contributors in Catalonia increased by 2.1% year-over-year in April 2024 and grew in 35 counties. Regarding the monthly variation, it was positive in 28 counties. .


Statistics on R&D Activities. 2022

The internal research and development (R&D) expenditure in Catalonia amounted to 4,828.9 million euros in 2022, a 18.4% higher than the previous year. This figure accounted for 1.79% of GDP.


Industrial Production Index. 03/2024

The Industrial Production Index adjusted by working days increased by 5.9% year-over-year in Catalonia in March 2024.


Quarterly Accounts. Q1/2024. Advance of the GDP

The gross domestic product of Catalonia increased by 2.6% year-over-year in the first quarter of 2024, according to the advance estimate. The quarter-over-quarter rate was 0.8%.


Statistics on Campsite Activity. Q1/2024

The number of overnight stays spent at campsites in Catalonia increased by 94.2% year-over year in the first quarter of 2024.


Statistics on Rural Tourism Accommodation Activity. Q1/2024

The number of overnight stays in rural tourism establishments in Catalonia increased by a year-over-year 16.8% in the first quarter of 2024.


Large Store Sales Index. 03/24

The Large Store Sales Index of Catalonia at current prices increased by 0.6% in March 2024 compared to a year ago.


Statistics on Foreign Tourism. 03/2024

The number of foreign tourists who arrived in Catalonia in March 2024 stood at 1.3 million, 27.9% more than the previous year.


Statistics on Foreign Tourism Expenditure. 03/2024

The total expenditure by tourists residing abroad whose main destination is Catalonia stood at 1,494 million euros in March 2024, 38.1% more than the previous year.


Economically Active Population Survey. Training and Labour Conditions. 2023

A total of 24.3% of the employed population in Catalonia stated that they had worked at least one Saturday each month in 2023.


Statistics on affiliates of foreign companies. 2021

The number of affiliates of foreign companies with establishments in Catalonia was 7,355 in 2021, a figure that represents 1.3% of the total number of companies within the analysed sectors. The main investing countries were Germany, France and the United States.


Statistics on Main Characteristics of the Population and Housing. People. 2021

43.6% of women declared that they were in charge of most of the household tasks, while in the case of men it is only 15.1%, according to the Statistics on Main Characteristics of the Population and Housing 2021.


Retail Trade Index. 03/2024

The General Retail Trade Index without service stations, at current prices, increased by 2.7% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in March 2024.


Economically Active Population Survey. Q1/2024

The employed population in Catalonia grew by 5.4% year-over-year in the first quarter of 2023. The unemployment rate stood at 9.48%, with a total of 396,100 unemployed people (32,400 people less than the previous year , with a decrease of 7.6%).


Territorial Gross Disposable Household Income. 2021

El Barcelonès was the county with the highest income per capita in 2021, at 20,293 euros. Matadepera and Sant Just Desvern were the municipalities of more than 1,000 inhabitants with the highest income per capita.


Industrial Price Index. 2023. Definitive data

Idescat disseminates the definitive data on the Industrial Price Index for 2023, that update the provisional data.


Industrial Price Index. 03/2024

The Industrial Products Price Index (which does not include energ) decreased by 1.0% year-over-year in Catalonia in March 2024.


Statistics on Hotel Activity. 03/2024

The number of overnight stays in hotel establishments in Catalonia increased by 18.7% year-over-year in March 2024, according to the Hotel Occupancy Survey.


Indicators of Hotel Sector Profitability. 03/2024

The average daily rate in hotel establishments increased by a year-over-year 3.8% in Catalonia in March 2024 and stood at 119.94 euros.


Business Climate Survey. Q1/2024

The business situation of companies in Catalonia in the first quarter of 2024 registered a balance of 7.9 points, and the expected business performance for the second quarter of 2024 stands at 13.0 points.


Register of Inhabitants Residing Abroad. 2024

The number of Catalans residing abroad was 386,486 people on 1 January 2024, which represents a year-over-year growth of 5.2%. This increase is registered in all counties.


Business Confidence Indicators. Q2/2024

The Harmonized Business Confidence Index for Catalonia increased by 2.3% in the second quarter of 2024 compared to the previous quarter.


Indicators of Service Sector Activity. Turnover Index. 02/2024

The Turnover Index in Service Sector increased by 4.5% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in February 2024.


Industry Turnover Index. 02/2024

The Industry Turnover Index for industrial products, excluding energy, registered a year-over-year increase of 2.6% in Catalonia in February 2024.


Foreign Trade according to Technological Content. Q4/2023 and 2023. Provisional data

Sales of industrial products abroad decreased at all technology levels in the fourth quarter of 2023. In 2023, products of medium-high technology level had the largest increase in exports, by 14.0%.


Statistics on Salaried Employment and Self-Employment according to Social Security Affiliations. 03/2024. Provisional data

The number of affiliations to the General Social Security Scheme through contribution accounts located in Catalonia grew by 3.6% year-over-year in March 2024 and the number of self-employed workers carrying out economic activities in Catalonia, by 1.4%.


Contributors and Affiliations to Social Security based on Contributors' Registered Place of Residence. 03/2024

The number of Social Security contributors in Catalonia increases by 3.1% year-over-year in March 2024 and grows throughout the territory, except in 2 counties. Regarding the monthly variation, it is positive in all the counties and in Aran.


Consumer Price Index. 03/2024

The Consumer Price Index increased by 3.1% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in April 2024 and the core inflation was a 3.4%.


Territorial nomenclature of census tract groups 2023

Idescat updates the territorial nomenclature for census tract groups for the year 2023.


Large Store Sales Index. 02/2024

The Large Store Sales Index of Catalonia at current prices increased by 5.8% in February 2024 compared to a year ago.


Industrial Production Index. 02/2024

The Industrial Production Index adjusted by working days increased by 4.9% year-over-year in Catalonia in February 2024.


Maps of the census tracts of Catalonia. 2023

Idescat published the maps of the census tracts of Catalonia in Shape and WMS formats, corresponding to the year 2023.


Statistics on Contributory Pensions. Passive Classes of the State Pensions 2023

A total of 66,187 State pensions were paid to civil servants (chiefly teaching and healthcare personnel) and military servants in Catalonia under the passive class system in December 2023, a 3.0% more than the previous year.


Statistics on Foreign Tourism. 02/2024

The number of foreign tourists who arrived in Catalonia in February 2024 stood at 1.0 million, 12.9% more than the previous year.


Statistics on Foreign Tourism Expenditure. 02/2024

The total expenditure by tourists residing abroad whose main destination is Catalonia stood at 1,105 million euros in February 2024, 17.8% more than the previous year.


Retail Trade Index. 02/2024

The General Retail Trade Index without service stations, at current prices, increased by 8.5% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in February 2024.


Material Flow Accounts. 2021

The domestic material consumption (DMC) of the Catalan economy totalled 48.1 million tonnes in 2021, a figure representing 6.2 tons per inhabitant.


Tourism in Catalonia of Residents in the Rest of Spain. Q4/2023 and 2023

The number of trips to Catalonia by residents in the rest of Spain increased 10.4% year-over-year in the fourth quarter of 2023 and the expenditure per person decreased 1.8%. In 2023, these trips increased 21.7% and the total expenditure 17.8%.


Tourism of Residents in Catalonia. Q4/2023 and 2023

The number of trips made by Catalans increased by 8.5% in the fourth quarter 2023 and the expenditure per person increased by 11.7%. In 2023, the number of trips made by Catalans increased by 0.9% and the total expenditure by 10.6%.


Industrial Price Index. 02/2024

The Industrial Products Price Index (which does not include energ) decreased by 1.2% year-over-year in Catalonia in February 2024.


Industry Turnover Index. 01/2024

The Industry Turnover Index for industrial products, excluding energy, registered a year-over-year increase of 1.0% in Catalonia in January 2024.


Indicators of Service Sector Activity. Turnover Index. 01/2024

The Turnover Index in Service Sector increased by 3.1% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in January 2024.


Migratory Movements. 2022

In 2022, 272,971 changes in residence were registered between municipalities in Catalonia. Cities have a negative balance of 13,599 residents who moved to non-urban municipalities.


Statistics on Hotel Activity. 02/2024

The number of overnight stays in hotel establishments in Catalonia increased by 5.6% year-over-year in February 2024, according to the Hotel Occupancy Survey.


Indicators of Hotel Sector Profitability. 01/2024

The average daily rate in hotel establishments increased by a year-over-year 6.1% in Catalonia in February 2024 and stood at 129.30 euros.


UN Sustainable Development Goal indicators for Catalonia. New indicators

Idescat and the Advisory Council for Sustainable Development have incorporated new indicators to measure Catalonia's progress towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.


Large Store Sales Index. 01/2024

The Large Store Sales Index of Catalonia at current prices decreased by 1.8% in January 2024 compared to a year ago.


Quarterly Accounts. Q4/2023

The gross domestic product of Catalonia registered an interannual variation of 2.8% and an interquarterly variation of 0.9% in the fourth quarter of 2023.


Annual Economic Accounts for Catalonia. 2023

In 2023, Catalonia’s gross domestic product (GDP) reached 292,474 million euros and growth in volume was 2.6%.


Labour Cost Statistics. Q4/2023

The labour cost per worker and month stood at 3,394.01 euros in Catalonia as of the fourth quarter of 2023, 5.6% more than the same quarter in 2022.


Start of fieldwork on the Business Climate Survey. Q1/2024

The fieldwork for the Business Climate Survey for the first quarter of 2024 carried out from the 15th of March and will end on the 11th of April.


Indicators of Service Sector Activity. Indexes of Production and Turnover. Q4/2023

The Production Index in the Service Sector (IPROSS) increased by 2.4% on year-over-year data in Catalonia in the fourth quarter of 2023.


Consumer Price Index. 02/2024

The Consumer Price Index increased by 2.7% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in February 2024 and the core inflation was a 3.4%.


Statistics on Main Characteristics of the Population and Housing. Household. 2021

The number of households that had domestic service in Catalonia in 2021 was 217,800 (7.2%). Of these, 84.9% had external domestic service and 15.1% internal, according to the Statistics on Main Characteristics of the Population and Housing.


Statistics on Foreign Tourism Expenditure. 2023. Definitive data

Idescat disseminates the definitive data on Foreign tourism expenditure for 2022, that update the provisional data.


Statistics on Foreign Tourism. 2023. Definitive data

Idescat disseminates the definitive data on Foreign tourism for 2023, that update the provisional data.


Retail Trade Index. 01/2024

The General Retail Trade Index without service stations, at current prices, increased by 6.2% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in January 2024.


Contributors and Affiliations to Social Security based on Contributors' Registered Place of Residence. 02/2024

The number of Social Security contributors in Catalonia increased by 2.5% year-over-year in February 2024 and grew throughout the territory, except in 4 counties. Regarding the monthly variation, it was positive in all the counties and in Aran.


Industrial Production Index. 01/2024

The Industrial Production Index adjusted by working days increased by 4.3% year-over-year in Catalonia in January 2024.


Gender Equality Index. 2021

The Gender Equality Index in Catalonia increased 2.4 points in 2021 and stood at 76.5 points out of 100.


Statistics on Commuting for Non-University Studies. SY 2022/23

82.0% of non-university students studied and resided in the same municipality in the academic year 2022/2023.


Statistics on Foreign Tourism Expenditure. 01/2024

The total expenditure by tourists residing abroad whose main destination is Catalonia stood at 1,050 million euros in January 2024, 30.1% more than the previous year.


Statistics on Foreign Tourism. 01/2024

The number of foreign tourists who arrived in Catalonia stood at 958.7 thousand in January 2024, 20.3% more than the previous year.


Population and Housing Census. 2022-2023. Foreign population

The foreign population living in Catalonia was 1,361,981 people on 1 January 2023, representing 17.2% of the Catalan population. The number of foreigners increased in Catalonia in relation to the previous year (10.2%) and also in all counties and in Aran.


Population and Housing Census. 2022-2023. Structure of the population

Idescat expands the results of the Population Census 2022 and 2023, with information on the population by sex, age, place of birth and nationality, disaggregated territorially up to census tracts.


Companies and Establishments. 01/01/2023

The number of companies with establishments in Catalonia stood at 600,090 on 1 January 2023, and the number of companies with head offices in Catalonia was 591,734.


Foreign Trade. 12/2023 and 2023. Provisional data

Exports decreased by a year-over-year 18.4% and imports by 12.9% in Catalonia in December 2023. In 2023, exports increased by 6.1% and imports decreased by 1.7%, according to provisional data.


Social Welfare and Progress Indicators. 2023. Advance

Idescat updates the Social Welfare and Progress Indicators. On this occasion, the values of 32 indicators from 2023 are included and 5 indicators from 2022 are completed and updated.


Industrial Price Index. 01/2024

The Industrial Products Price Index (excluding energy) decreased by 0.9% year-over-year in Catalonia in January 2024.


Survey on Living Conditions. 2023

24.4% of the population in Catalonia was at risk of poverty or social exclusion in 2023 compared to 24.7% in 2022.


Statistics on Hotel Activity. 01/2024

The number of overnight stays in hotel establishments in Catalonia increased by 1.9% year-over-year in January 2024, according to the Hotel Occupancy Survey.


Indicators of Hotel Sector Profitability. 01/2024

The average daily rate in hotel establishments increased by a year-over-year 11.6% in Catalonia in January 2024 and stood at 107.12 euros.


Business Climate Survey. Section on the Current Entrepreneurial Situation. Q4/2023

In the fourth quarter of 2023, 26.1% of businesses in Catalonia declared that they were cyberattacked, 9.9% during last year and 16.2% more than 12 months ago.


Industry Turnover Index. 12/2023

The Industry Turnover Index for industrial products, excluding energy, registered a year-over-year decrease of 7.9% in Catalonia in December 2023.


Indicators of Service Sector Activity. Turnover Index. 12/2023

The Turnover Index in Service Sector decreased by 0.2% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in December 2023.


Foreign Trade according to Technological Content. 2022. Definitive data

Idescat disseminates the definitive data on Foreign Trade according to Technological Content for 2022.


Economically Active Population Survey. 2023

The unemployment rate stood at a mean of 9.1% 2023 and for young people under 25, it stood at 21.7%.


Population Estimates. S2/2021–S1/2023. Definitive data

The resident population in Catalonia increased by 140,140 inhabitants during 2022. Migration with foreign countries was the main item in terms of population growth (158,546 people).


Consumer Price Index. 01/2024

The Consumer Price Index increased by 3.3% on a year-over-year basis in Catalonia in January 2024 and the core inflation was a 3.7%.


New statistical data viewer in Idescat

Idescat has added a new statistical data viewer to its website, so that users can customize tables and downloaded files. The number of downloading formats has also been expanded to better adapt to the requirements of different users.


Contributors and Affiliations to Social Security based on Contributors' Registered Place of Residence. 01/2024

The number of Social Security contributors in Catalonia increased by 2.4% year-over-year in January 2024 and grew throughout the territory except in 4 counties. The monthly variation was negative in Catalonia as a whole and in 32 counties and Aran.


Municipal Population Register. Statistical Nomenclature of Population Entities. 2023

The Statistical Nomenclature of Population Entities in Catalonia has been updated with the data from the Municipal Population Register on the date of 1 January 2023.


Large Store Sales Index. 12/2023 and year 2023

The Large Store Sales Index (IVGS) in Catalonia increased at current prices by 2.1% year-over-year in December 2023, and by 4.8% for the year as a whole.


Start of fieldwork on the Survey on Living Conditions 2024

The collection of information for the Survey of Living Conditions 2024 has begun. The fieldwork will be performed between February and May 2024.


Industrial Production Index. 12/2023 and 2023. Provisional data

The Industrial Production Index adjusted by working days increased by 0.1% for the year-over-year variation in Catalonia in December 2023. In 2023, the annual average decreased by 0.5%, according to provisional data.


Annual Economic Accounts for Catalonia. 2023. Advance of the GDP

Catalonia's gross domestic product registered an annual increase of 2.6% in 2023, according to the advanced estimate.


Quarterly Accounts. Q4/2023. Advance of the GDP

Catalonia's gross domestic product increased by 2.8% year-over-year in the fourth quarter of 2023, according to the advanced estimate, and the quarter-over-quarter rate was 0.7%.


Standardised death rate by age. 2018-2022

Idescat is publishing the Standardised Death Rate (SDR) by age for the period 2018–2022. The SDR for Catalonia was 827 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants.


Life table 2018-2022

Idescat publishes the life table for the population of Catalonia for the period 2018-2022. For this period, life expectancy at birth was 83.26 years (80.46 years for men and 85.97 years for women).


Educational Attainment Statistics. 2018-2020

In 2020, 33.4% of the population aged 15 and over held higher education qualifications, while 14.8% had at most completed primary education.


Centenarian Population Estimate. 2021

In Catalonia, 66% of centenarians were 100 or 101 years old, and 34% were 102 years old or older, in 2021.


Continuous Household Survey. 2020

There were 3,029,300 households in Catalonia in 2020. 26.0% of these were single-person households.

  • Tourism (70)
  • Trade · Services (41)
  • Population (32)
  • Labour (32)
  • Industry · Energy (27)
  • Prices (25)
  • Companies · Finances (18)
  • External investment and trade (18)
  • Main aggregates (13)
  • Living conditions (8)
  • Research · Technology (7)
  • Social protection (5)
  • Culture · Language (2)
  • Public sector finance (2)
  • Education (1)
  • Household income and expenditure (1)
  • Environment (1)
  • Health (1)
  • Territory (1)

News items selected: 330

This page gathers the updates for the statistical results and main announcements related to Idescat and published in the past 12 months.