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The register of corrections is the list of unforeseen modifications of the statistical results that have been published on the website. This is an Idescat service that seeks to make it easier for users to view the corrections.

Idescat produces and publishes thousands of statistical data every year in the hope that they constitute high-quality, accurate and reliable information. However, as in all human activities, it is inevitable that on occasions unanticipated modifications of the data will occur. In this case, the institution undertakes to rectify them and inform users as soon as possible by means of this register of corrections.

Filter by statistics
Code Statistics Information affected Topic Pub. date Corr. date descending
CENSPH Extended results on foreign population. Distribution by districts. 2023 Censuses and demographic surveys 29/02/2024 09/09/2024
TURHOT Travellers, overnight stays and occupancy rate in hotel establishments. 06/2023 Tourism 25/07/2024 04/09/2024
INV Foreign Investment. Q1/2016-Q2/2020 External investment and trade 02/03/2024 03/09/2024
CENSPH Population by relation to economic activity by marital status. 1986 Population 15/07/2000 23/07/2024
DEF Deaths of foreign national. 2021-2022 Population 12/12/2023 19/07/2024
CENSPH Population by level of education attained. 2021-2022 Population 28/06/2024 17/07/2024
- Overnight stay of tourist per inhabitant. 2016-2019 Tourism 08/11/2023 16/07/2024
PROJPA Projected acivity rate. 2022-2045 Population 20/06/2022 09/07/2024
ECV Proportion of population living in households with severe material and social deprivation. 2023 Living conditions 23/02/2024 27/06/2024
CENSPH Population and Housing Census. 2021 Population 26/07/2023 27/06/2024
CENSPH Population by level of studies. 2021 Population 26/07/2023 19/06/2024
EP Population by sex and age. 2012-2015 Population 11/07/2023 11/06/2024
AFIC Contribution account. Q3/2023-Q1/2024 Labour 30/05/2024 30/05/2024
EPE AFTE seasonal population. 2022 Population 16/05/2022 22/05/2024
CEPH Population according to place of birth and nationality of parents. 2021 Population 29/04/2024 07/05/2024
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The letter m that sometimes accompanies the code of a correction indicates that it is an improvement in the data.