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Agriculture · Livestock · Fisheries


Statistical Yearbook of Catalonia

The municipality in figures

Selection of basic data about each of the municipalities and counties of Catalonia.

Idescat's Statistics

Idescat's Statistics
Code Name and geographical detail
CENSAGAgricultural Census. 2020. Municipalities2020
Additional statistics
CodeName and geographical detail
EPAEconomically Active Population Survey. Q3/2024. ProvincesQ3/2024

Related information

The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food produces a large amount of statistical data on the rural world, agriculture, livestock, fishing and the agri-food industry in Catalonia.

The National Statistical Institute (INE) provides information on the results on the agricultural censuses and farm structure surveys, as well as other statistical operations made on a state level.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food compiles the chief agricultural statistics.

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