Statistical information to track the impact of Covid-19
- Weekly incidence of Covid-19: PCR/AT, confirmed cases, reproduction number, people admited to hospital, and deaths
- Covid-19 vaccination: doses administered and people vaccinated
- Confirmed cases of Covid-19 and deaths according to the place of death
- Confirmed cases of Covid-19. By sex and age by ten-year period
- Confirmed cases, hospital admissions and deaths from Covid-19. By sex and age
- Business climate. Impact of the Covid-19 health crisis
- Weekly incidence of Covid-19
- Covid-19 vaccination
- Confirmed cases of Covid-19 and deaths
- Confirmed cases of Covid-19 by sex and age
- Confirmed cases of Covid-19 by municipality
- Incidence of Covid-19 among population in residences
- Deaths by date of death
- Deaths by sex and week of death
- Deaths by place and month of death
- Life expectancy
- Causes of death
- Deaths from Covid-19
- Hospitals and hospital beds
- Population by health regions
- Population by sex and quinquennial age groups
- Population density
- Population structure by ages, ageing and dependency
- Type of household
- Households with children under the age of 16
- Children by age and type of household
- Population by size of household
- Size of household
- Population by housing space per person
- Population living alone by age and sex
- Households with elderly people
- Households by type of ownership
- Useful surface area and size of household