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Journal SORT

SORT is an international journal published by the Statistical Institute of Catalonia, appearing twice-yearly in English, and aiming for the highest standards in methodological and applied research on Statistics and Operations Research.

Impact Factor: 0.9 / 1.2 (5 yrs)

SORT was indexed in the "Science Citation Index Expanded" beginning by volume 31 (1) 2007. In June 2024 the Impact Factor 2023 of SORT tracked by Clarivate Analytics has been released: 0.9.

The Impact Factor is established by dividing the number of times articles published in 2021 and 2022 were cited in 2023, based on a search of the Science Citation Index Database, by the number of articles published in the previous two years (2021 and 2022).

The 5-year journal Impact Factor is the average number of times articles from the journal published in the past five years have been cited in the JCR year. It is calculated by dividing the number of citations in the JCR year by the total number of articles published in the five previous years.

This information will be updated on summer 2025.

Journal SORT cover

SORT (Statistics and Operations Research Transactions) —formerly Qüestiió— is an international journal launched in 2003 and distributed in printed form as well as in digital form online. From 2024 it will be published in digital form only. It is published twice-yearly, in English, by the Statistical Institute of Catalonia (Idescat). The journal is co-edited by the Technical University of Catalonia, the University of Barcelona, the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the University of Girona, the Pompeu Fabra University, the University of Lleida and the Rovira i Virgili University, with the co-operation of the Spanish Section of the International Biometric Society, the Catalan Statistical Society and the Ministry of Research and Universities. SORT promotes the publication of original articles of a methodological or applied nature or motivated by an applied problem in statistics, operations research, official statistics or biometrics. We encourage authors to include real examples of application in their manuscripts.

SORT is an Open Access journal which does not charge publication fees.

Important notice: The SORT articles are not currently subject to the general license applied to the statistical information on this website. Please see Copyright notice and author opinions.


All the submissions should be processed through OJS software of RACO web, journal SORT section.

Registration is required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions.

SORT is indexed in:

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In 2023, SORT has also renewed the certificate of excellence given in 2011 by Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología which guarantees publishing and scientific quality for the next year. SORT represents the third series of the Quaderns d'Estadística i Investigació Operativa (Qüestiió), published by Idescat between 1992 and 2002, which in turn followed from the first series "Quaderns d'Estadística, Sistemas, Informàtica i Investigació Operativa" (1977–1992). The three series of Qüestiió have their origin in the "Cuadernos de Estadística Aplicada e Investigación Operativa", published by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya until 1977.


Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya (Idescat)

Via Laietana, 5808003 Barcelona. SPAIN

Tel. +34 93 557 30 76

sort at idescat dot cat

eISSN: 2013–8830

Autonomous University of Barcelona University of Barcelona University of Lleida University of Girona Technical University of Catalonia Pompeu Fabra University Rovira i Virgili University Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA)