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IIG Gender Equality Index

The Gender Equality Index is a composite indicator that measures the distance a society has to go to achieve full equality among women and men.

This indicator's objective is to reflect the reality of gender equality in important aspects of welfare and people's development.

Idescat produces the IIG for Catalonia in accordance with the methodology established by the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE).

The Index is based on 31 indicators, structured in a hierarchical manner in 6 domains, which are then divided into 14 sub-domains. The results offered are of 4 types:

  1. The Gender Equality Index (maximum aggregation level).
  2. The Index for each of the 6 domains of the analysis: work, money, knowledge, time, power and health.
  3. The Index for each of the 14 sub-domains in which the 6 aforementioned domains are broken down.
  4. 31 basic indicators, which are the basis for calculating the previous levels.

The results of the Gender Equality Index and its component parts (domains and sub-domains) are presented on a dimensionless scale, in an interval that goes from 1 to 100, where 1 means total inequality and 100 means total equality.

The results of the 31 basic indicators are shown by the total population, disaggregated by gender, and by the absolute difference between women and men. Each indicator has its own metric.

The results of the indices for Catalonia are disseminated for the years 2005, 2010, 2012, 2015 and annually since 2017, in accordance with the periodicity used by the European Institute for Gender Equality to disseminate the results of the European Union and its member states.

Gender Equality Index by domains and sub-domains 2022
Catalonia Spain European Union-27
Gender Equality Index 76.7 76.7 71.0
Work 75.0 75.6 74.2
Participation 86.3 83.1 83.3
Segregation and quality of work 65.2 68.8 66.1
Money 83.3 79.5 83.4
Financial resources 79.2 74.2 78.0
Economic situation 87.7 85.2 89.2
Knowledge 66.4 70.1 64.2
Attainment and participation 78.1 81.0 75.5
Segregation 56.6 60.7 54.5
Time 75.7 70.4 68.5
Care activities 85.2 85.6 78.7
Social activities 67.3 57.9 59.7
Power 81.3 82.0 61.4
Political 93.1 87.2 62.6
Economic 77.6 80.7 57.6
Social 74.2 78.4 64.0
Health 88.1 91.0 88.6
Status 92.7 91.9 91.5
Behaviour 75.0 83.7 77.8
Access 98.3 97.9 97.6
Source: Idescat. For Spain and EU, EIGE.
Note: The Index uses a scale of 1 to 100, where 100 is for total equality between women and men.

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