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Surname of the person: BATET. By counties

Surname of the person: BATET. 2022 By counties
As first surname As second surname
Position frequency frequency
Alt Camp 68 73 1.60 64 1.41
Alt Penedès 151 98 0.88 105 0.95
Anoia 566 37 0.30 31 0.25
Baix Camp 938 32 0.16 27 0.14
Baix Ebre 3,451 .. .. 4 0.05
Baix Llobregat 2,087 37 0.04 51 0.06
Baix Penedès 280 48 0.43 53 0.47
Barcelonès 1,738 166 0.07 129 0.06
Conca de Barberà 189 19 0.94 16 0.79
Garraf 779 28 0.18 26 0.17
Gironès 2,180 13 0.07 11 0.06
Maresme 2,112 27 0.06 26 0.06
Osona 3,934 .. .. 7 0.04
Ripollès 1,187 .. .. 7 0.27
Segrià 3,253 10 0.05 6 0.03
Selva 2,863 10 0.06 4 0.02
Tarragonès 505 70 0.27 71 0.27
Vallès Occidental 1,839 58 0.06 62 0.07
Vallès Oriental 2,653 14 0.03 23 0.06
Total 1,262 757 0.10 742 0.10
Source: Idescat, based on the Continuous Register Statistic of INE
Note: Only shows counties with 4 or more people with the selected surname.

Disaggregation criteria